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    About Benedict Neuenfels

    Born 1966 IN BERN/SWITZERLAND as the son of actress Elisabeth Trissenaar and director Hans Neuenfels. First encounter with film-industry 1982 as production assistant for the feature Penthesiliea.

    He worked several years as cameraasisstant and operator for R.W. Fassbinder´s former DP Xaver Schwarzenberger and Wim Wenders close collaborator Robby Mueller.
    In early years he founded his own low-budget orientated productioncompany GISELAFILMS.

    Since his study at the german film and television school (dffb) in Berlin,
    he is responsible for the cinematography of more than 60 features and documentaries and additional for the lighting design of various stage plays in opera and theater.
    He is giving master- camera -classes in major filmschools in Germany for more than 20 years.

    Benedict Neuenfels is member of the german, austrian and european filmacademy.
    His work has been awarded numerous times. He received several times both the prestigous Grimme Award and the German Television award, the Bavarian and the German Film Award each, as well as seven times the German Camera Award for outstanding cinematography.

    The counterfeiters, which he photgraphed in 2007, won an Academy Award for best foreign feature film the following year. In 2011 he was honored by the German Academy of Arts for outstanding achievement in cinematography. In 2018 he received various awards for the feature STYX.

    In 2019 he received the Lifetime Honory Award for Cinematography - German Camera Award . So he will join the chain of outstanding former recipients like Michael Ballhaus, Robby Mueller, Renato Berta, Slawomir Idziak, Xaver Schwarzenberger, Judith Kaufmann, Elfie Mikesch, Jürgen Jürges, Birgit Gutjonsdottir...

    Known for

    Fictional movies as director of photography

    2025Gould Lover (WT)Feature FilmAndy SommerAmalia Film GmbH [de]
    2025Ein kalifornischer Traum (WT)
    Preparation 2023
    Feature FilmMultipleZero One Film GmbH [de]Preparation 2023
    2024Ice Fall (WT)Feature FilmStefan RuzowitzkyArclight Films [us]
    2021Stella. A Life.Feature FilmKilian RiedhofLETTERBOX FILMPRODUKTION GmbH
    2021In einem Land, das es nicht mehr gibtFeature FilmAelrun GoetteZiegler Film GmbH & Co. KG
    2020I’m Your ManFeature FilmMaria SchraderLETTERBOX FILMPRODUKTION GmbH
    2019HinterlandFeature FilmStefan RuzowitzkyAmour Fou Luxembourg [lu]
    2018Narziss und GoldmundFeature FilmStefan RuzowitzkyTempest Film Produktion [de]
    20178 TageTV Series, Sky [de]MultipleNEUESUPER GmbH
    2016StyxFeature FilmWolfgang FischerSchiwago Film GmbH [de]
    2016Tatort - Borowski und das dunkle NetzTV-Movie (Series), NDR [de]David WnendtNordfilm GmbH [de]
    2016Die HölleFeature FilmStefan RuzowitzkyAllegro FilmproduktionsgesmbH [at]
    2015Bye Bye GermanyFeature FilmSam GarbarskiIn Good Company [de]
    2015Patient ZeroIndependent Feature FilmStefan RuzowitzkyScreen Gems [us]
    2014Der Fall BarschelTV Movie (multi-part), ARD [de], Degeto [de]Kilian RiedhofZeitsprung Pictures GmbH
    2014Girl on IceFeature FilmStefan KrohmerX Filme Creative Pool GmbH
    2013Zorn - Tod und RegenTV-Movie (Series), ARD [de], MDR [de]Mark SchlichterFilmkombinat Nordost GmbH & Co. KG [de]
    2013Schönefeld BoulevardFeature FilmSylke Enderssolo:film GmbH
    2013Tatort - Borowski und der EngelTV-Movie (Series), NDR [de]Andreas KleinertNordfilm GmbH [de]
    2011Das WochenendeFeature FilmNina GrosseUFA Cinema GmbH [de]

    Non-fictional movies as director of photography

    2012The ultimate badDocumentary FeatureStefan RuzowitzkydocMovie GmbH [de]
    200824h Berlin - A Day in the LifeDocumentaryMultipleZero One Film GmbH [de]
    1999Der diskrete Charme des Hans Magnus EnzensbergerDocumentary, arte, SWR [de], WDR [de]Ralf ZöllerHorres Film + TV [de]
    1993Bilder von anderswo
    Deutscher Kamerapreis 1994
    DocumentaryRalf ZöllerHFF Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München [de]Deutscher Kamerapreis 1994
    1992Jenseits der SchattenDocumentaryRalf ZöllerHorres Film + TV [de]

    Fictional movies in other activities

    2021Stella. A Life.Feature FilmKilian RiedhofLETTERBOX FILMPRODUKTION GmbHvfx supervisor
    2011CrimeShort FilmBenedict NeuenfelsHamburg Media Schooldirector
    1990Until the End of the WorldFeature FilmWim WendersRoad Movies Filmproduktion [de]2nd unit dop 2nd cam operator
    1987Gewitter im MaiTV MovieXaver SchwarzenbergerIduna Film GmbH Produktionsgesellschaft & Co. [de]clapper/loader
    1987ÖdipussiFeature FilmVicco von BülowRialto Film GmbH [de]2nd assistant camera
    1986Otto - Der neue FilmFeature FilmMultipleRialto Film GmbH [de]2nd assistant camera
    1986Mitridate, rè di PontoTV MovieJean-Pierre PonnelleMetropolitan Filmproduktion [de]2nd assistant camera
    1985MomoFeature FilmJohannes SchaafIduna Film GmbH Produktionsgesellschaft & Co. [de]2nd assistant camera
    1985Otto - Der FilmFeature FilmMultipleRialto Film GmbH [de]2nd assistant camera

    Further projects in other activities

    2012Brooding-heatEducation/Training ProductionBenedict NeuenfelsHFF Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München [de]director

    Film awards

    2024Stella. A Life.German Film Award (Lola) [de]Best Visual EffectsNominated
    2022HinterlandAustrian Film Award [at]Best cameraNominated
    2022HinterlandRomy [at]Best Camera CinemaNominated
    2021HinterlandCamerimage Festival [pl]Golden Frog - Main CompetitionNominated
    2021I’m Your ManGünter Rohrbach Film Award Foundation [en]Prize of the Lord MayorWinner
    2019StyxDeutscher Filmpreis [de]Beste Kamera / BildgestaltungWinner
    2019StyxPreis der deutschen Filmkritik [de]Beste BildgestaltungNominated
    2019StyxBayerischer Filmpreis [de]Beste BildgestaltungWinner
    2018StyxInt. Filmfest Emden-Norderney [de]Creative Energy Award KameraWinner
    2018Die HölleÖsterreichischer Filmpreis [at]Beste KameraNominated
    2017Die HölleRomy [at]Beste Bildgesaltung Kino-FilmWinner
    2016Der Fall BarschelDeutsche Akademie für FernsehenBildgestaltungNominated
    2013Das WochenendeDeutscher Kamerapreis 2013KinospielfilmWinner
    2012HomevideoGrimme Preis 2012FiktionWinner
    2011Mahler auf der CouchDeutscher Kamerapreis 2011KinospielfilmNominated
    2011Die fremde FamilieFernsehfilmFestival Baden-BadenSonderpreis für eine innovative und stilbildende KWinner
    2011Die fremde FamilieDeutscher Fernsehpreis 2011Bester FernsehfilmNominated
    2011HomevideoDeutscher Kamerapreis 2011Kamera /FernsehfilmWinner
    2011HomevideoFernsehfilmFestival Baden-BadenSonderpreis für eine innovative und stilbildende KWinner
    2008LiebeslebenBayerischer Filmpreis [de]Best CinematographyWinner
    2008LiebeslebenGerman Film Award (Lola) [de]Best CinematographyWinner
    2008Anonyma - Eine Frau in BerlinInternational Film Festival Camerimage [pl]Best CinematographyNominated
    2007The CounterfeitersGerman Film Award (Lola) [de]Best CinematographyNominated
    200521 LiebesbriefeDeutscher Fernsehpreis [de]Best Cinematography TV/StreamNominated
    2004Olga's SummerGerman Camera Award [de]Best CinematographyNominated
    2001Lost KillersGerman Camera Award [de]Best CinematographyWinner
    2000Deine besten JahreGerman Camera Award [de]Best Cinematography TV/StreamWinner
    1999Mein Freund BalouDeutscher Fernsehpreis [de]Best Cinematography TV/StreamNominated
    1998Der SkorpionGerman Camera Award [de]Best Cinematography TV/StreamNominated
    1997Sperling und das Loch in der WandGrimme Award [de]Best Cinematography TV/StreamWinner
    1996Tatort - Frau Bu lachtDeutscher Fernsehpreis [de]Best Cinematography TV/StreamWinner
    1994Bilder von anderswoGerman Camera Award [de]Special AwardWinner
    1992FelixTokyo Int. Film Festival [jp]Special AwardWinner
    1992Die fliegenden KinderMax Ophüls Preis Film Festival [de]Jury PrizeWinner
    1990Europa und der zweite ApfelGerman Camera Award [de]Special MentionWinner


    2025Michael Ballhaus Fellowship
    2023Marburger Kamerapreis
    2020Vilmos Zsigmond Award
    2019Deutscher Ehrenkamerapreisträger
    2008Deutscher Filmpreis
    2008Bavarian Filmaward
    2001Deutscher Kamerapreis
    2000Deutscher Kamerapreis
    1997Grimme Preis
    1996Deutscher Fernsehpreis
    1994Deutscher Kamerapreis
    1992Max Opüls Spezial Preis
    1990Deutscher Kamerapreis

    Basic data

    Special skillsVFX
    Stage Lighting for opera and theater
    Own equipmentRED Cameras
    Stabilization + Waterhousing
    Further referencesRobby Mueller
    Xaver Schwarzenberger
    German Film and Television School Berlin DFFB
    Immediate working areaBerlin
    1st residence (federal state or country)Germany - Berlin