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TV-Serie | Folgen 1-6 | 2019-2020 | HBO Max | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | Spanien, USA


DrehorteSanta Cruz de Tenerife


Lauflänge Episode52min
Teile von/bis1-6


Winter has fallen on the South Pole. The sun will soon disappear for the next six months. A small team, known as the Winterers, will remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their innovative research, a crucial part in the fight against climate change, under the command of renowned biologist Arthur Wilde (John Lynch). But when spring comes, summer commander Johan Berg (Alexander Willaume) returns to the station only to find the entire team are either dead or missing. A killer is on the loose and Annika (Laura Bach), Johan’s wife, is missing. If he wants to find her alive, he will have to trust Maggie (Katharine O’Donnelly), the young doctor who is profoundly shaken and apparently the sole survivor from the group… or, is there someone else?

Source: The Mediapro Studio
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
John LynchDr. Arthur Wilde [DHR]
Katharine O'DonnellyDr. Maggie Mitchell [DHR]
Tomohisa YamashitaAki [DHR]
Richard SammelErik Osterland [DHR]
Álvaro MorteRamón [HR]
Laura BachAnnika Lundqvist [HR]
Sandra AndreisEbba Ullman [HR]
Mónica LópezAstrid Casado [DNR]
Philippe JacqDamien Fowles [DNR]
Kim [DNR]David Meyer
Amelia HoyHeather Blake [NR]
Hannes FohlinGustav Dolberg [ENR]Stefan Roschy
1st ADNuria Herrera
1st ADEmilo Pérez
1st ADJorge Calatayud
2nd ADIsaura López-Dóriga
2nd ADMarta Almarcha
3rd ADMaría Badía
3rd ADCarlos J. Sierra
Casting DirectorSara Törnkvist
Casting DirectorLuci Lenox
DrehbuchautorDavid Pastor
DrehbuchautorAlex Pastor
DrehbuchautorIsaac Sastre
Synchron-DialogbuchautorinJulia Müller [4]
FilmgeschäftsführerinIrene Camposo
Kameramann/DoPDavid Acereto
Kamera OperatorPeke Griffin
Steadicam OperatorPeke Griffin
1. KameraassistentinEva Aycart
1. KameraassistentinMarta Calero
segunda unidad
segunda unidad
1. Kameraassistent*inDébora M. Geanini
2. KameraassistentinAna Sanchez
2. KameraassistentPablo Moya
DIT Digital Imaging TechnicianRafael Rodríguez
VideooperatorCarlos Doval
VideooperatorGuille Marti
1. KamerabühneSalva Castellarnau
KamerabühnenassistentIvan Medina Hernandez
KamerabühnenassistentSergi Castellarnau
Oberbeleuchter*inEdu Puma
Best Boy*Girl LichtPep Zueras Mayoral
BeleuchterinSandra Valencia Álvarez
BeleuchterSven Vöhser
BeleuchterEdgar Solé
ZusatzbeleuchterJorge Morales
Hair/Makeup DesignerEli Adánez
SFX MaskenbildnerNacho Díaz
MaskenbildassistentinYurena Cazorla
Executive ProducerDavid Pastor
Executive ProducerJorge Dorado
Executive Producer*inBernat Elias
Executive ProducerAlex Pastor
Executive ProducerMariano Baselga
Executive ProducerJavier Méndez
Executive ProducerKazufumi Nagasawa
Executive ProducerRan Tellem
Executive ProducerinLaura Fernández Espeso
SzenenbildnerAlain Bainée
Art DirectorFlorian Müller [1]
Herstellungsleiterin (Line Producerin)Anna Vilella
ProduktionskoordinatorinSara Onsins
Location Manager*inTavo Pazos
Assistent der AufnahmeleitungRaúl Garcia Vallardares
RegisseurJorge Dorado
SynchronregisseurAndreas Kohler [1]
Script SupervisorAvelina Prat
Schauspiel CoachMaitane San Nicolás
FilmeditorPablo Zumárraga
FilmtonmeisterJorge Adrados
Sound SupervisorAlberto Ovejero
Sound SupervisorPelayo Gutiérrez


Kameras und ZubehörAirmedia360
Drone services, aerial cinematography
Drone services, aerial cinematography