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Der Aufsteiger

  • The Minister (Internationaler Englischer Titel)
Alle Titel (7)
Kinospielfilm | 2010-2011 | Drama, Politik | Frankreich, Belgien



Transport Minister Bertrand Saint-Jean is awoken in the middle of the night by his head of staff. A bus has gone off the road into a gully. He has no choice but to go to the scene of the accident.

Thus begins the odyssey of a politician in a world that is increasingly more complex and hostile.

Speed, power struggles, chaos, economic crisis... Everything follows in quick succession and clashes. Emergencies follow on each other's heels. What sacrifices are men prepared to make?

Just how long will they hold up in a state that devours those that work for it?
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Olivier GourmetBertrand Saint-Jean [HR]
Michel BlancGilles [HR]
Zabou BreitmanPauline [HR]
Laurent StockerYan [NR]
Sylvain DebléMartin Kuypers [NR]
Didier BezaceWoessner [NR]
Jacques BoudetSenator Juillet [NR]
François ChattotMinister of Health Falconetti [NR]
Arly JoverSéverine [NR]
Gaëtan VassartLoïk [NR]
Éric NaggarPrime Minister [NR]
Anne AzoulayJosépha [NR]
Abdelhafid MetalsiLouis-Do [NR]
François VincentelliMinsiter of Finance Peralta [NR]
Stéphan WojtowiczPresident of France [NR]
Marc-Olivier FogielJournalist [NR]
Christian VautrinNemrod [NR]
Brigitte Lo CiceroWoman in dream [NR]
Jade Phan GiaKenza [NR]
Brice FournierMember of Parliament Prade [NR]
Régis RomeleLe Syndicaliste [TR]

Vertriebs- / Verleihfirmen

Diaphana Films [fr]
Verleih Frankreich
Verleih Frankreich
Doc & Film International [fr]

Im Kino: Filmstarts und Uraufführungen

KinostartFrankreichMittwoch, 26.10.2011