EN / DE / FR / PL / ΕΛ / ES / IT / LT / RO
EN / DE / FR / PL / ΕΛ / ES / IT / LT / RO



“If I have to die, I want to die my way” Maria’s time flows along with the river. She walks firmly, her hood up. A hand-to-mouth life, without dreams nor desires, spent taking care of her mother and at the service of a merciless, bejeweled old lady. With her brave-eyed pitbull, Maria ferries pregnant women across the river, leading them to an infernal fate. But hope will pay her a visit, in its most ancestral and powerful form, as miraculous as life itself, teaching Maria that staying human is the greatest of all revolutions. (True Colours - https://truecolours.it/catalogue/the-vice-of-hope-2/)
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Pina TurcoMaria [HR]
Massimiliano RossiPengue [HR]
Marina ConfaloneZi' Mari [NR]
Cristina DonadioAlba [NR]
Odette GomisFatimah [NR]
Juliet Esey JosephBlessing [NR]
Mariangela Robustellin.n. [NR]
Jane BobkovaNatalia [NR]
Yvonne ZidiouenbaHope [NR]
Marcello RomoloDoctor [TR]
Demi LicataTina [TR]
Nancy ColarussoVirgin [TR]
Imma MaurielloMarcolina [TR]


Medusa Film [it]
in collaboration
in collaboration
O'Groove srl [it]
Tramp Limited S.r.l. [it]

Vertriebs- / Verleihfirmen

Medusa Film [it]
True Colours [it]
International Sales
International Sales
Pina Turco2019David di Donatello [it]
Beste Hauptdarstellerin
Beste Hauptdarstellerinnominiert
Enzo Avitabile2019David di Donatello [it]
Best Song - Motion Picture
Best Song - Motion Picturenominiert
Marina Confalone2019David di Donatello [it]
Beste Nebendarstellerin
Beste Nebendarstelleringewonnen
2019DeutschlandFilmfest München
2018KanadaTIFF - Toronto Int. Film Festival
Contemporary World Cinema
Contemporary World Cinema
2018ItalienRome Film Fest
2018Vereinigtes KönigreichBFI London Film Festival

Im Kino: Filmstarts und Uraufführungen

KinostartItalienDonnerstag, 22.11.2018
UraufführungDonnerstag, 06.09.2018Toronto International Film Festival [ca]