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TV-Serie | Folgen 1-31 | 2023 | arte | Social Media Content | Frankreich



Lauflänge Episode1 min
Teile von/bis1-31


Season 1: Gabrielle and Alice were a happy couple.
Season 2: Gabrielle and Alice aren't anymore a happy couple.
They (still) live in Toulouse, both 40 years old now. Up until now, they had always managed to strike a balance between their lives as a couple, their personal spaces and their professional accomplishments.

At the start of season 2, Alice is pregnant.
Both know that nothing will ever be the same again.
Neither has any idea what the aftermath will be like. It's normal, they're becoming mothers.

Patience mon amour season 2 is a 30-episode series to be followed daily on YouTube and arte.tv. Each episode lasts between 2 and 4 minutes.
Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
Sophie de FürstGabrielle Dumouchel [DHR]
Isabelle JolyAlice Chambon [DHR]
Mounir MargoumEmir Kasmi [NR]
Stéphanie BoucherOdile Dumouchel [NR]
Romane BohringerRomane [NR]
Rebecca ChaillonMichelle [NR]
LioNelly Chambon [NR]
Lisa GardelLa Néo-rurale [TR]
BeleuchterinLouisiane Amouretti
Licht PraktikantinPhilomène Fèvre
filming in Lyon
filming in Lyon
RegisseurinCamille Duvelleroy


Bachibouzouk [fr]