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    Bei Crew United gelistete Filme

    2023Gros Poisson (Nikon Film Festival)Kurzspielfilm1st AD
    2023Les EnfoirésTV-Event1st AD
    2023Chronicles of the SunDaily Soap, France 2 [fr]1st AD
    2022Les EnfoirésTV-Event1st AD
    2022Chronicles of the SunDaily Soap, France 2 [fr]1st AD
    2022Le CodeTV-Serie, France 2 [fr]2nd AD
    2021AVIKurzspielfilm1st AD
    2021Chronicles of the SunDaily Soap, France 2 [fr]1st AD
    F. 61 & 62
    TV-Serie, France 3 [fr]2nd ADF. 61 & 62
    2020Petits Secrets en familleDaily Soap, TF1 [fr]1st AD
    2020Chronicles of the SunDaily Soap, France 2 [fr]2nd AD
    2020Julien Doré – La FièvreMusikvideo2nd AD
    2019Chronicles of the SunDaily Soap, France 2 [fr]2nd AD
    2018Once Upon A Time - Es war einmalTV-Serie, ABC [us]Set-PA
    2017DC's Legends of TomorrowTV-Serie, The CW Network [us]Set-PA