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    Alle Titel (3)
    Kinospielfilm | 2015-2016 | Frankreich, Belgien



    It's summer. People go on vacation and the family structure changes.
    Laura (14) and Joséphine (18) spend July with their mother in the south of France, and August with their father in Brittany.
    Tenderness, often not expressed, doesn't lack in this situation of teens and adults living together - nor does exasperation, sometimes expressed all too loudly.
    Because the girls have their secrets, every bit as difficult as the problems of their parents and step-parents.
    It's the summer of living dangerously. Not quite. Although...
    Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
    Patrick ChesnaisMichel [HR]
    Pascale ArbillotAnne [HR]
    Thierry GodardFranck [HR]
    Alma JodorowskyJoséphine [HR]
    Jérémie LaheurteRomain [HR]
    Lou ChauvainMoon [HR]
    Ali MarhyarChérif [HR]
    Luna LouLaura [HR]
    David FaureFacteur [NR]
    Frédéric AndrauGilles [NR]
    Stéphane CaillardLouise [NR]
    Edern CarioPierre [NR]
    Arthur ChoisnetCédric [NR]
    Bertrand CombePolicier [NR]
    Ludivine de ChastenetJenny [NR]
    Antoine DitoHomme yacht [NR]
    Valentine DuteilPianiste bretonne [NR]
    Délia Espinat-DieffGwen [NR]
    Michaël Stephan ItalianoSkipper yacht [NR]
    Blandine PélissierMarithé [NR]
    Jeanne RosaInspectrice [NR]
    Nicolas WanczyckiCazeneuve [NR]

    Vertriebs- / Verleihfirmen

    Diaphana Films [fr]
    Verleih Frankreich
    Verleih Frankreich
    Playtime [fr]

    Im Kino: Filmstarts und Uraufführungen

    KinostartFrankreichMittwoch, 13.07.2016