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Musikvideo | 2022 | Deutschland


DrehregionenSpanien - Galicien


Lauflänge21:30 min


    En La Intimidad ist das erste Musikvideo-Projekt der spanischen Bratschistin Sara Ferrández. Der Film zeigt ihre Interpretation von Johann Sebastian Bachs erster Suite, aufgenommen in einer kleinen galizischen Kirche, die gefüllt ist mit Kindheitserinnerungen. Saras Performance ist Teil einer magischen Reise, die alle Musiker:innen erleben, wenn sie sich einem Stück nähern und es praktizieren - zunächst ganz für sich alleine. Durch ihr Instrument und Bachs Musik fühlt sich Sara mit etwas Höherem, kaum in Worte zu fassendem verbunden.

    It is not a secret that us artists spend most of our lifetime practicing absolutely isolated, and while it’s true that we always mention how magical it is to be on stage with thousands of eyes looking at us, how we communicate with the audience through music, I believe every artist can relate when I say that one can feel something indescribable playing our instrument in the intimacy of our practice room, without performing for anybody else. Maybe we tend to let go more often when we are alone. I wanted to capture in a video the magical moment when we are alone in the intimacy, in those moments where we are completely ourselves, and we find the honesty to talk to ourselves, connect with ourselves and connect with something deeper. Some call it god, some call it energy, some call it universe, the magic is the same. Every artist has its favourite composer that allows oneself to communicate the best, in my case it has always been Bach. Since childhood, and I just can’t explain why. To me Bach is my very personal channel of communication and it makes me feel like through his music, I am plugging into the source. Verbal language, has never been enough. I also wanted to reflect in this video how this kind of magic breaks the moment we realise we are being watched or discovered by someone else. This project is fully dedicated to thank music for being at all times with me and being my one and most important source of comunication.

    Recorded in Ermita de Chamorro, Galicia, Spain.


    Isabel Hahn Produktion [de]