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Doppelgänger. Sobowtór | ©Next Film
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Doppelgänger. The Double

    Alle Titel (2)
    Kinospielfilm | 2022 | TVN [pl] | Drama, Geschichte, Politthriller | Lettland, Polen


    Doppelgänger is a suspense-filled psychological drama with elements of a thriller and a spy movie. A film inspired by the true stories of Polish special agents from Cold-War Poland.
    Hans posed as the son of a German woman to build false family relations and launch a successful espionage career. A story of how big-world politics can devastate the lives
    of ordinary people. A historical tale from the 1970s and 80s, about a man steeped in inner conflict, driven by love to try to turn back from a path of no return. He sows destruction
    instead of love, but as an agent he is impeccable. The movie is also a dark psychological tale about human tragedies and innocent victims of a ruthless spy operation,
    about the consequences of living a lie, and about love that offers hope for redemption – about the relentless pursuit of the truth and the utmost price that entails.
    Schauspieler*inRollenameSynchronschauspieler*in / Sprecher*inSynchron
    Jakub GierszałJózef Wieczorek vel Hans Steiner [HR]
    Tomasz SchuchardtJan Bitner [HR]
    Emily KuscheNina Steiner [HR]
    Wiktoria GorodeckajaOlga Bitner [HR]
    Andrzej SewerynWieczoreks Father [HR]
    Katarzyna Hermanlead officer [NR]
    Sławomira Łozińskan.n. [NR]
    Krzysztof Draczn.n. [NR]
    Adam Ferencyn.n. [NR]
    Jessica McIntyreMarie Steiner [NR]
    Joachim RaafHelmut Steiner [NR]
    Nathalie RichardHelga [NR]
    Nicolas Garin
    investigator Lefevre [NR]
    Kacper KrysiakInżynier w stoczni [TR]
    Pierre Azemahead of the immigration department [TR]
    Sara Celler-JezierskaHelga (1946) [TR]
    Michał KościukFritz [TR]
    Raphaël TschudiMarcel

    Vertriebs- / Verleihfirmen

    Next Film [pl]


    KostümLambert Hofer 1862 GmbH
    Locations und StudiosStudio IP
    Filmbearbeitung/TransferNew Wave Film
    Marek Warszewski2024Polish Film Award - Eagle [pl]
    Bestes Szenenbild
    Bestes Szenenbildnominiert
    TVN Warner Bros. Discovery (previously TVN) [pl]2024Polish Film Award - Eagle [pl]
    Bester Film
    Bester Filmnominiert
    Jan Holoubek2024Polish Film Award - Eagle [pl]
    Bester Film
    Bester Filmnominiert
    Jan Holoubek2024Polish Film Award - Eagle [pl]
    Beste Regie
    Beste Regienominiert
    Jan Holoubek2024Polish Film Award - Eagle [pl]
    Bestes Drehbuch
    Bestes Drehbuchnominiert
    Jakub Gierszał2024Polish Film Award - Eagle [pl]
    Beste männliche Hauptrolle
    Beste männliche Hauptrollenominiert
    Rafał Listopad2024Polish Film Award - Eagle [pl]
    Bester Schnitt
    Bester Schnittnominiert
    Kacper Habisiak2024Polish Film Award - Eagle [pl]
    Bestes Sounddesign
    Bestes Sounddesignnominiert
    Katarzyna Herman2024Polish Film Award - Eagle [pl]
    Beste Nebendarstellerin
    Beste Nebendarstellerinnominiert
    Jan Komar2024Polish Film Award - Eagle [pl]
    Beste Filmmusik
    Beste Filmmusiknominiert
    2024PolenOff Cameria International Festival of Independent Cinema
    Polish Feature Film Competition
    Polish Feature Film Competition
    2023PolenPolish Film Festival
    Main Competition
    Main Competition
    2023PolenInternational Film Festival Camerimage
    Polish Competition
    Polish Competition
    2023DeutschlandBraunschweig Int. Film Festival

    Im Kino: Filmstarts und Uraufführungen

    KinostartPolenFreitag, 29.09.2023
    UraufführungMontag, 18.09.2023Festiwal Polskich Filmów Fabularnych