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Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB): Distributor, Production Company
  • Distributor
  • Production Company


DFFB Zentrale
Potsdamer Straße 210785  BerlinGermany
Phone+49 30 257590

    About Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB)

    The German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB), founded in 1966, is one of the most prominent film schools in Europe. Focusing on the essential crafts of filmmaking, the school offers five specialisations: Screenwriting, Cinematography, Directing, Producing, and Editing & Sound. The DFFB is a place where young filmmakers from Germany and abroad come together to tell stories and to develop creative and innovative films. Prominent DFFB graduates include Helke Sander, Christian Petzold, Angela Schanelec, Wolfgang Becker, Lars Kraume and Emily Atef. The DFFB also offers attractive networking and specialisation opportunities through its internationally oriented education programmes Serial Eyes, NEXT WAVE and Filmnetzwerk Berlin.

    Movies as production

    2025Fitness und Verzweiflung (WT)Independent Feature FilmMoritz Geiser
    2025GooseShort FilmSaba Sedaghati
    2024The Origin of the World (WT)Independent Feature FilmBorbála Nagy
    2024Good Bye to Berlin, Berlin is not Germany. (WT)Short FilmFroilán Urzagasti
    2024Wolken (WT)Education/Training ProductionPaula Allhorn
    2024DogShort FilmMarieke de Zwaan
    2024When you are offline (WT)Education/Training ProductionIryna Sliusar
    2024StarshafShort FilmNoach Engelhard
    2024Lostrita (WT)Short FilmHedda Bednarszky
    2024A Man Going His Own Way (WT)Education/Training ProductionMaurycy Polewski
    2024Distance is a space we can inhabit (WT)Education/Training ProductionJavier Lazo
    2024Crossroads (WT)Education/Training ProductionArina Chernova
    2024Der Grand Canyon (WT)Independent Feature FilmSimona Kostova
    2024SonnenstadtDocumentaryKristina Shtubert
    2024Reflex (WT)Education/Training ProductionVladlena Savenkova
    2024Delta (WT)Education/Training ProductionCelina Schmidt
    2024Everyone knows that you and I have seen the garden (WT)Short FilmBoris Hadzija
    2024Beton (WT)Education/Training ProductionEdona Kryeziu
    2024Im Norden meines Lebens (WT)Short FilmEdda Reimann
    2024Police is not coming (WT)Education/Training ProductionRon Rotschild

    Movies as distributor

    2012FliegenShort FilmKatharina Woll
    2012ElisabethShort FilmKatharina Woll
    2012Flucht nach vornShort FilmFlorian Dietrich
    2012HomeShort FilmSimona Feldman
    2012Über rauhem GrundShort FilmYoudid Kahveci
    2012EatShort FilmMoritz Krämer
    2011In the CountrysideShort FilmDennis Schanz
    2011Jan's Body (WT)Short FilmJasco Viefhues
    2011Komm und SpielShort FilmDaria Belova
    2011Sie nennen mich SueShort FilmSara Bungartz
    2011Vorsprechen (WT)Short FilmMoritz Krämer
    2011Ballet StoryShort FilmDaria Belova
    2010Dr. KetelFeature FilmLinus de Paoli
    2009ZoeShort FilmStefan Lengauer
    2008Trevor geht mit seiner Mutter in einen Puff (WT)Short FilmIngo J. Biermann
    2006SuzukiShort FilmChristoph Wermke
    2005Der kleine BenShort FilmPio Reimer
    2004Als Ines Liebe fandShort FilmRoberto Anjari Rossi
    2002AnomaliaShort FilmMichael Dominic

    Film awards

    2023Everybody wants to be lovedJupiter Awards [de]Best Film / MovieNominated
    2022Talking About the WeatherBerlin International Film Festival [de]GWF Award Best First FeatureNominated

    Company data

    Date of company foundation1966
    Immediate working areaHead office: Berlin