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filmpool entertainment GmbH: TV Production, Licensing, Production Company
  • TV Production
  • Licensing
  • Production Company


Felix Wesseler
Kalscheurener Str. 9150354  HürthGermany
Phone+49 2233 46080
Fax+49 2233 46089000

    About filmpool entertainment GmbH

    filmpool is a developer and producer of programming for German TV broadcasters in the programming categories of fiction, non-fiction, documentary and variety.
    Founded in 1974 by the German journalist Gisela Marx, today the name filmpool is a synonym for successful productions in German TV, for journalistic competence, creativity and profound program.
    Today, we have 10 formats (scripted entertainment) on air that all have been developed by ourselves plus several fiction series such as Tatort. As part of MME MOVIEMENT AG which is owned by All3Media, we are one of the biggest independent TV producers in Germany.

    Movies as production

    2025Day & NightDaily Soap Opera, RTL Zwei [de]Johannes Jungehülsing
    2025Die LandarztpraxisTV Series, SAT.1Multiple
    2024Helft uns! Die Familienretter (WT)Documentary Series, RTL Zwei [de]Michael 'Mitch' Fiebig
    2024Die LandarztpraxisTV Series, SAT.1Multiple
    2024Day & NightDaily Soap Opera, RTL Zwei [de]Multiple
    2024Barbara Salesch - Das StrafgerichtTV-Show, RTL [de]Multiple
    2024Verklag mich doch! (RTL)Documentary Series, RTL [de]Multiple
    2024NotrufDocumentary Series, SAT.1Multiple
    2024Cologne 50667Documentary Series, RTL Zwei [de]Multiple
    2023Die LandarztpraxisTV Series, SAT.1Multiple
    2023Day & NightDaily Soap Opera, RTL Zwei [de]Matthias Päffgen
    2023Cologne 50667Documentary Series, RTL Zwei [de]Michael 'Mitch' Fiebig
    2023Familien vor Gericht (WT)Series PilotFlorian Anders
    2023Full House - Familie XXLDocumentary Series, VOX [de]zuständige/r Realisator/in
    2023B Real - Echte Promis, echtes LebenDocumentary Series, RTL Zwei [de]Multiple
    2023Verklag mich doch! (RTL)Documentary Series, RTL [de]Multiple
    2023Werner & Wolter (WT)Series PilotFlorian Anders
    2023Barbara Salesch - Das StrafgerichtTV-Show, RTL [de]Michael Athanasiou
    2023Klinik am SüdringDocumentary Series, SAT.1Maria Geiger
    2023The Real Life (WT)Documentary Series, RTL+ [de]Multiple


    Branch offices

    • Berlin
      Stralauer Allee 710245  BerlinGermany
      Phone:+49 2233 46080
      Fax:+49 2233 46089000
    • Hürth
      Kalscheurener Str. 9150354  HürthGermany
      Phone:+49 2233 46080
      Fax:+49 2233 46089000
    • Hürth
      An der Hasenkaule 2250354  HürthGermany
      Phone:+49 2233 46080
    • Hürth
      Hans-Böckler-Str. 16350354  HürthGermany
      Phone:+49 2233 516798

    Company data

    Experience abroadCentral Europe: Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland
    North America: USA
    Eastern Europe: Russia, Ukraine
    Southern Europe: Balearic Islands, Italy, Spain
    Southeastern Europe: Bulgaria
    Western Europe: France, Netherlands
    Date of company foundation1974
    Permanent employees500
    Immediate working areaHead office: Cologne
    Branch offices: Berlin, other city, other city, other city