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Molly Aida Film: Production Company, service production
  • Production Company
  • service production

    Movies as production

    2020Ben Zucker - Genau JetztMusic VideoGregor Erler
    2019EarwigShort FilmConnor Gaston
    2019Ben Zucker - Wir lieben uns wiederMusic VideoGregor Erler
    2019Ben Zucker - Mein BerlinMusic VideoGregor Erler
    2018Depeche Mode - Spirit in the Forest
    Service Production
    Documentary FeatureAnton CorbijnService Production
    2018Blinkist.com - Kennst du schon Blinkist?CommercialKaleb Wentzel-Fisher
    2018Facebook - Training Hub (4 Filme) (WT)
    Service Production
    Corporate FilmDan HeaverService Production
    2018Ben Zucker - Was für eine geile ZeitMusic VideoGregor Erler
    2018Glasperlenspiel - Royals & KingsMusic VideoGregor Erler
    2018Making Of - Glasperlenspiel. Royals & KingsMaking OfNils Koppenbrink
    2018Nike - Ekin Collective Berlin (WT)
    Service Production
    Corporate FilmCharlie SarsfieldService Production
    2017Ben Zucker - Na Und? (WT)Music VideoGregor Erler
    2017Bell, Book & Candle - Wie wir sindMusic VideoGregor Erler
    2016VisitMexico.com - Ice Letters (WT)
    Service Production
    Corporate FilmJuan Santa CruzService Production
    2016Mustard SeedShort FilmLina Roessler
    2016Little Black DressDocumentary, arteAdolfo Conti
    2015Forgotten ArmyDocumentary FeatureSigne Astrup
    2015Master Card - How to
    Service Production
    Corporate FilmJerome TheliaService Production
    2015Bacardi - Take the Stage (mehrere Spots) (WT)
    Service Production
    CommercialAnthony MathileService Production
    2015Lidl - See you in Berlin
    Service Production
    Corporate FilmGustavo Lopez ManasService Production

    Company data

    Date of company foundation2005
    Immediate working areaHead office: Berlin