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    Films listed with Crew United

    2020Ulrichs1867Short Filmdirector of photography
    2020Simon sagt - Mein SchulwegMusic Videodirector of photography
    2019Trapped In Silence - Free My Soul
    Music Videodirector of photographyAmira
    2019Diabetes Ratgeber - Gesunder Genuss (3 Filme)
    Alexa Mini + Summicron-C
    Recipe Videodirector of photographyAlexa Mini + Summicron-C
    2019ESA - The BurnCommercialdirector of photography
    2019Deerbaby Photography - New York (3 Filme)
    Anamorph Atlas Orion
    Commercialdirector of photographyAnamorph Atlas Orion
    2018Wandsbeker Chaussee (WT)Education/Training Productiondirector of photography
    2018HUK Coburg - Vlooga (NOT COMPLETED) (WT)Commercialdirector of photography
    2018Crime Cruise - Kreuzfahrt in die Welt der Verbrechen
    Anamorph 2.35:1
    Commercialdirector of photographyAnamorph 2.35:1
    2018Saturn - Du kannst mehr (Social Media)Commercialdirector of photography
    2018Oxfam Shops - Secondhand macht Eindruck
    Ursa Mini Pro + Cooke Panchro
    Commercialdirector of photographyUrsa Mini Pro + Cooke Panchro
    2018IDM Südtirol - Best of SüdtirolCorporate Filmeditor
    2018IDM Südtirol - Best of SüdtirolCorporate Filmdirector
    2018Südtirol - Winterkampagne 2018 (Webfilme)Commercialeditor
    2018Südtirol - Winterkampagne 2018 (Webfilme)Commercialdirector
    2018ESA - Space Safety & SecurityCorporate Filmdirector of photography
    2018Saturn - Du kannst mehr (4 Spots : Lichter, Anna, Schlaflos, Monster)
    Alexa Mini
    Commercial2nd unit dopAlexa Mini
    2018HUK Coburg - Unsere kleinen Karriere-ExpertenCorporate Filmdirector of photography
    2018Bring it Back (WT)Education/Training Productiondirector of photography
    2018LSG Group - Culinary ExcellenceCorporate Filmdirector of photography