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    Films listed with Crew United

    2013AimlessTV Movie, SRF [ch]
    2013AimlessTV Movie, SRF [ch]
    2013KursverlustTV Movie, SRF [ch]
    2013KursverlustTV Movie, SRF [ch]
    2013ThuleTuvaluDocumentary Feature
    2012Viktoria - A Tale of Grace and GreedFeature Film
    2011Clara und das Geheimnis der BärenFeature Film
    2011Paul Bowles. The Cage Door Is Always OpenDocumentary
    2011Here with MeShort Film
    2011Here with MeShort Film
    2010One Way Trip 3D (WT)Feature Film
    2010Making of - One Way TripMaking Of
    2009Die Käserei in GoldingenTV Movie, SRF [ch]
    2009Die Käserei in GoldingenTV Movie, SRF [ch]
    2009One Way Trip 3D (Testdreh für Kinofilm) (WT)Teaser (Film Concept)
    2009Drehpunkt (WT)Short Film
    2008Night RushFeature Film, SRF [ch], SWR [de]
    2008Elenas ChanceDocumentary, 3sat, SRF [ch]
    2008Rocksteady. The Roots of ReggaeDocumentary Feature
    2008KorichorDocumentary, SRF [ch]