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    Films listed with Crew United

    2023Toyota BZX4 - Running Footage (WT)Commercialdirector
    2022Maserati - The new Maserati MC20 CieloCommercialdirector of photography
    2022Silver and the Book of DreamsTV Movie, Prime Video (Amazon)vfx supervisor
    2021Der König von PalmaTV Series, RTL [de], RTL+ [de], TVNOW [de]vfx supervisor
    2021Marc Philipp Gemballa - Project SandboxCommercialvfx supervisor
    2020Krups - Intuition Preference+ KaffeevollautomatCommercialvfx supervisor
    2020Renault - Arkana (Launch Film & Still Production)Commercialdirector
    2020Goodyear - Seasons (Packshot) (WT)Commercialdirector
    2020Hankook - Winter i*cept evo3 (1 Main Film, 3 Performance Films)Commercialdirector
    2020Goodyear - EfficientGrip Performance 2 (Packshot)Commercialdirector
    2020Porsche - The new 911 GT3. Time is PreciousCommercialdirector
    2020NIO - Force. The new NIO ET7Commercialdirector of photography
    2019ChangAn - SUV Launch EventCommercialdirector
    2019CF Moto - Play to winCommercialdirector
    2019NIO Unveiling - ES6 Coupé (WT)Commercialdirector
    2019Porsche - FormulaECommercialdirector
    2019Red Bull Soundclash 2019 - Bausa gegen AlleCommercialdirector
    2019Bose x Mazda - BassMatchCommercialdirector
    2019Toyota Supra - MLP GalleryCommercialdirector
    2019Mazda 3 - All-New Mazda3 (360 VR)Commercialdirector