Film artistic de scurt metraj | 2022-2023 | Dramă | Germania

Date filmări

Număr de zile de filmare5
Regiuni sau țări de filmareGermania - Berlin

Date despre proiect

Durata filmului16 min
Aspectul imaginiiWidescreen USA (1 : 1,85)
Formatul de filmareDCP
Formatul de distribuireProRes
Formatul sunetuluiDolby SRD / Dolby digital (5.1, 6 channels)

Synopsis scurt

A girl waits for her boyfriend, a worker in the harbour. In the locker room a worker confides in his colleague about his unhappy marriage. But there's more to their relationship than advice giving. At the end of his shift a young man takes a shower in the washroom of the port and hurries to meet his girlfriend in the cantine. It's his last day on the job. One moment they seem hopeful and in love, the next she’s being ghosted. Baffled, she goes looking for him in the port. Violetta, the owner of the cantine is a hard worker nostalgic of a life she never had. She employs her niece, a radical pacifist whose life strategy is to lay low. Intersecting, their stories create a parallax view of heartbreak and desire, disappointment and hope.

Distribuția rolurilor

Actor/ActrițăNumele personajuluiActor/actriță dublajLector
Artemis ChalkidouVioletta [RP]
Marie TragoustiMaria [RP]
Estelle WidmaierZina [RP]
Grego BelauAntonio [RP]
Leo Da SilvaJelko [RP]
Erza LukeMirko [RP]
Supervizor VFXKilian Pohl
Pictoriță de costumeJessica Diaz
EditoareLorna Hoefler Steffen
Electriciană șefă / gafferLena Thiemann
Tehniciană lumini / electricianăClara Houselle
Tehnician(ă) lumini / electrician(ă)Hannah Kähler
Electriciană adiționalăLeah Haug
Director de fotografieJonathan Steil
Prima asistentă de camerăCharlotte Dammasch
ProducătoareSabrina Holzapfel
Directoare de producțieSara Halvová
Asistentă director(-oare) de producțieJosefa Marie Geis
RegizoareXandra Popescu
Regizoare secundă (sistem local)Ann-Cathrine Beyer
ScenaristăXandra Popescu
Scenografa producției / production designerAnna Klisetz
Operator boom / acustician la prăjina cu microfonAlan Alejandro Mares Araiza

Companii de producție

Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB)
Xandra Popescu2024Filmfest Dresden [de]
National competition
National competitionNominalizat

Lansare cinematografică

Premierăjoi, 07.09.2023Venice Film Festival