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    Do You Remember Me? tells the story of Amnuy, a Thai woman who has to make a choice between keeping her youngest daughter or giving her away to save the child’s life. Amnuy, her husband and their youngest daughter are HIV-positive. They live isolated from everyone else in a small village in the Northeast of Thailand. Nobody frequents their once-flourishing shop anymore. As they run out of money, all they can do is escape. On their odyssey through Thailand the family finds shelter in an “Aids-Resort”, that’s how this temple is called by its abbot. At the temple Amnuy meets the German Karl Morsbach. This meeting means a glimmer of hope for the whole family. But suddenly, they all disappear. The questions “why?” and “where?” receive many answers.


    gizago, Liechtenstein & Heuken GbR
    Michaela Liechtenstein2005Aux Écrans du réel, Le Mans [fr]
    Prix du Public
    Prix du Publicgewonnen
    Alexander Heuken2004Ekotopfilm Bratislava [sk]
    Prize of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Repu
    Prize of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Repugewonnen