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Casa di famiglia

  • Family House (Titolo internazionale inglese)
Cortometraggio | 2020 | Drammatico, Sentimentale | Italia

Informazioni principali

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Durata del film5'


    Two cousins, Andrea and Ludovica, meet again, after almost 30 years, to sign the deed of the sale of the country house of their grandparents, where they have spent every summer as children, up until their teenage years. In such a meaningful place, the memories of a hot summer afternoon of the seventies, forcefully insinuate themselves through the present and animate the silent rooms of the house, which is now empty and ready to be abandoned. This day gives Andrea and Ludovica the chance to reconnect with one another and is the occasion to live the past once more and, at the same time, to say farewell to it.
    (source: https://filmfreeway.com/CasadiFamiglia)


    InterpretiNome personaggioDoppiaggio / SpeakerDoppiaggio / Voce narrante
    Enrica CorteseLudovica [RP]
    Francesco MarinoAndrea [RP]


    Direttore della fotografiaEmilio Maria Costa
    RegistaGiulia Mello Ceresa

    Societā di produzione

    Scuola Holden [it]
    Corsi di Sceneggiatura, Regia & Produzione
    Corsi di Sceneggiatura, Regia & Produzione