Court-métrage | 2016-2017 | Drame | Allemagne

Infos générales


Lieux de tournageBerlin
Région(s) ou pays de tournageAllemagne - Berlin

Infos complémentaires

Ratio d’image16:9 (1 : 1,78)
Format sonStereo


After losing his job, apartment and wife, Floyd decides it is not worth living anymore. In hopes of ending his suffering he climbs the top of his apartment to commit suicide. However, when he reaches there, he finds a small boy crying and ready to jump.

Floyd has to convince the small boy to get down, for which he, the man who lost all hope, has to explain the boy that life gets better and it is worth going on. By doing so he not only saves the boy’s life, but also his own.

Distribution des rôles

InterprètesRôlesDoublage / voix offDoublage / voix off
Julia TitzeVicky [SR]
Rasmus Max WirthFloyd [SR]
Ildiko PreszlyBrittany [SR]

Équipe technique

Directeur de la photographieVirgile Bikindou
Directeur de la photographieFrancesco Scarpa
RéalisatriceIpek Sertöz
Chef monteurDiego Loria
Compositeur de musique de filmJon-Joseph Nepaul
Superviseuse musicaleFanny Thera Harisch
MixeuseFanny Thera Harisch
Designer sonoreFanny Thera Harisch

Sociétés de production

Ipek Sertöz Produktion [de]