Movie Poster | ©Thomas Tröger
©Thomas Tröger
Moyen-métrage | 2018-2019 | Drame | Allemagne, Autriche


Région(s) ou pays de tournageAutriche

Infos complémentaires

Durée37 min.


PALERMO is the story of an unconditional love of a young father for his son and his desperate struggle in life. Alex lives in the outskirts of small town in Austria. His son, Paul, he sees only every other week and only when he is on the good side of his unpredictable ex-girlfriend. Alex has long since lost his job as an office administrator and the outlook of a new job seems unpromising. The rural exodus has caused the town to be deserted and gloom is dominating the town. Overall Alex has never given up hope that everything is going to change sometime, but with increasing despair, he is forced to take up a questionable job from his coworker Rainer and quickly realizes what a dangerous decision he has made.


Distribution des rôles

InterprètesRôlesDoublage / voix offDoublage / voix off
Michael GlantschnigAlex [RP]
Antonia MorettiLea [RP]
Michael ThomasRainer [RP]
May GarzonKarin [SR]

Équipe technique

EnsemblièreLydia Teibler
Directeur de la photographieTim Kuhn
Maquilleuse-coiffeuseLea Reitberger
RéalisateurThomas Tröger
ÉtalonneurPhilippe Schmid
ScénaristeThomas Tröger
Chef opérateur du sonMarkus Ortner
Chef opérateur du sonRaphael Ortner

Sociétés de production

Indiepool e. V. [at]
Thomas Tröger Produktion [at/de]