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    Films listed with Crew United

    2024Hilfstelefon 116 016 - Puppenhaus (WT)Spec Commercialgaffer
    2023Wedding in Hundsling
    Drehwoche 4
    Feature FilmgafferDrehwoche 4
    2023Kenaz (WT)Education/Training Productiongaffer
    2023Nicht mehr hier (WT)Short Filmgaffer
    2022AbsprungEducation/Training Productiongaffer
    2022GrauShort Filmgaffer
    2021ZukunftspostEducation/Training Production1st assistant camera
    2020100 MeterShort Filmgaffer
    2020Suicare - Relax in PeaceShort Filmbest girl electric
    2020BertaShort Filmgaffer
    2020BauhausEducation/Training Productiongaffer
    2020Sanfter EngelShort Filmgaffer
    2020Where Lovers meet (WT)Short Film2nd assistant camera
    2019DunkelgraukunterbuntShort Filmbest girl electric
    2019AstralisEducation/Training Productiongaffer
    2018The Fall (Internetfilm)Short Filmproduction designer
    2018UnsichtbarEducation/Training Production2nd assistant camera
    2015Let GoShort Filmdirector of photography
    2015Kalte FüßeShort Filmdirector of photography