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    Fictional movies as fight choreographer

    2023SOKO PotsdamTV Series, ZDF [de]MultipleBantry Bay Productions GmbH
    2022Sixty MinutesTV Movie, NetflixOliver KienleW&B Television GmbH
    2020Mogli - RavageMedium Length FilmFlorian PetersWolffpack Vision GmbH
    2019Der Bulle und das Biest
    Fight Coordinator für Folge 9-10
    TV Series, SAT.1MultipleBantry Bay Productions GmbHFight Coordinator für Folge 9-10
    2018Dogs of Berlin
    Fight Coordinator - episode 9
    TV Series, NetflixChristian AlvartSyrreal Entertainment GmbHFight Coordinator - episode 9
    2018Charlie's Angels
    Fight Coordinator
    Feature FilmElizabeth BanksBrownstone Productions [us]Fight Coordinator
    2018The Mongolian Connection
    Fight Coordinator
    Independent Feature FilmDrew ThomasIFI Production [mn]Fight Coordinator
    2018KarlstownTeaser (Film Concept)Eskindir TesfayLonely Donkey Films GmbH [de]
    2017Offscreen (Webserie)
    Fight Coordinator
    Series, funk [de], ZDF [de]Carsten VauthEast End Film GmbH [de]Fight Coordinator
    2017Kayamkulam Kochunni
    Fight Coordinator
    Feature FilmRoshan AndrewsSree Gokulam Movies [in]Fight Coordinator
    2017Tatort - Tod und Spiele
    Fight Coordinator
    TV-Movie (Series), WDR [de]Maris PfeifferWarner Bros. ITVP Deutschland GmbHFight Coordinator
    2017AbgeschnittenFeature FilmChristian AlvartZiegler Film GmbH & Co. KG
    2017BaadshahoFeature FilmMilan LuthriaT-Series [in]
    2016Hot Dog
    for final fight
    Feature FilmTorsten KünstlerPantaleon Films GmbHfor final fight
    2016A Hidden LifeFeature FilmTerrence MalickElizabeth Bay Productions [us]
    2016Out Of Control
    Fight Coordinator
    Feature FilmAxel SandAction Concept GmbHFight Coordinator
    Fight Coordinator
    Feature FilmAjay DevgnADF Ajay Devgn Films [in]Fight Coordinator
    2015Tschiller: Off Duty
    Fight Coordinator for Blast Hotel scene
    Feature FilmChristian AlvartSyrreal Entertainment GmbHFight Coordinator for Blast Hotel scene
    2015Augmented (WT)
    Fight Coordinator
    Short FilmBjörn GromollMovie-Do [de]Fight Coordinator
    2014Kara Katu
    Fight Coordinator
    TV SeriesSerdar AkarPana Film Yapim Sinema Ltd. [tr]Fight Coordinator

    Fictional movies in other activities

    2020Assassins Creed Valhalla. The HuntShort FilmVi-Dan TranT7 Production [de]stunt coordinator
    2018KarlstownTeaser (Film Concept)Eskindir TesfayLonely Donkey Films GmbH [de]action director
    2017Black BeltShort FilmEskindir TesfayMovie-Do [de]action director
    2015Ronny & KlaidFeature FilmErkan AcarDropkick Pictures [de]stuntman/woman
    2015BrimstoneFeature FilmMartin KoolhovenN279 Entertainment [nl]stuntman/woman for PREVIZ
    2015RenegadesFeature FilmSteven QualeEuropaCorp [fr]stuntman/woman
    2015Emerald GreenFeature FilmMultipleLieblingsfilm GmbH [de]stuntman/woman for PREVIZ
    2014Der NannyFeature FilmMatthias SchweighöferPantaleon Films GmbHstuntman/woman
    2014Point BreakFeature FilmEricson CoreAlcon Entertainment [us]stuntman/woman
    2014Blochin - Die Lebenden und die TotenTV Series, ZDF [de]Matthias GlasnerReal Film Berlin GmbHstuntman/woman
    2014KickFeature FilmSajid NadiadwalaNadiadwala Grandson Entertainment [in]stuntman/woman
    2014Hitman - Agent 47Feature FilmAleksander Bach20th Century Studios [us]stuntman/woman
    2013Mord in AschbergTV-Movie (Series), ZDF [de]Markus ImbodenAspekt Telefilm-Produktion GmbH [de]assistant stunt coordinator
    2013Tatar Warrior (Trailer)Teaser (Film Concept)Aryan RezaiGolden Horde Productions GbRstuntman/woman
    2013Plattformer (Wettbewerbsbeitrag 99 Fire Films Award)Short FilmUlrik BruchholzflatCOIN, Ulrik Bruchholzstuntman/woman
    2013Stung (WT)Feature FilmBenni DiezRat Pack Filmproduktion GmbH [de]stuntman/woman
    2013The KeyIndependent Feature FilmGedeon BurkhardJulius Film GmbH [de]stuntman/woman
    2013Morden im NordenTV Series, ARD [de], NDR [de]MultiplendF neue deutsche Filmgesellschaft mbHstuntman/woman DA Hamburg
    2012HopscotchShort FilmKristina ShtubertDeutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB)stunt rigger For Safety
    2012Der Wald hängt voller Geigen (WT)Short FilmUlrik BruchholzflatCOIN, Ulrik Bruchholzsound assistant

    Non-fictional movies in other activities

    2012GalileoTV Magazine, ProSieben [de]MultipleProSieben Television GmbH [de]stuntman/woman

    Other projects

    YearProject typeTitleActivityCompany
    2014stage playDer kleine PrinzStunt RiggerTheater 89 / Mazzotti Action
    2013stage playSchneeweißchen und RosenrotStuntmanTheater 89 / Mazzotti Action
    2012stage playSchneeweißchen und RosenrotStuntmanTheater 89 / Mazzotti Action
    2012stage playDer kleine PrinzStuntmanTheater 89 / Mazzotti Action
    2011stage playKäthchen, die FeuerprobeStuntmanTheater 89 / Mazzotti Action
    2011stage playDer kleine PrinzStuntmanTheater 89 / Mazzotti Action
    2010stage playKleistfestspiele - Die FeuerprobeStuntmanTheater 89 / Mazzotti Action
    2009stage playKleistfestspieleStuntmanTheater 89 / Mazzotti Action

    Basic data

    Experience abroadCentral Europe: Austria, Croatia, Poland
    South Asia: India
    West Asia: Turkey
    Western Europe: Belgium
    Immediate working areaBerlin
    1st residence (federal state or country)Germany - Berlin