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    Films listed with Crew United

    2019Ella (NOT RELEASED) (WT)Education/Training Production1st AD (local system)
    2017Do You Exist Miss QVR Experiencedirector
    2017NucleusShort Filmdirector
    2017NucleusShort Filmscreenwriter
    2015Inga, Christian und IchShort Filmhead of development
    2015Die Villa (NOT RELEASED) (WT)Short Filmproduction manager
    2015Die Bewerbung (WT)Independent Feature Filmcolorist
    2015Die Bewerbung (WT)Independent Feature Filmeditor
    2015Time of Fun together - The Delusion of Harry Partch (WT)Documentarydirector of photography
    2015Time of Fun together - The Delusion of Harry Partch (WT)Documentarydirector
    2014Stille BegegnungShort Filmset manager/ floor manager
    2014Hitler ReloDeadShort Filmdirector
    2014A Lost HeavenShort Filmdirector
    2014A Lost HeavenShort Filmhead writer
    2012LiquidationShort Filmlighting technician / electrician
    2011Die innere Zone
    Videoinstallation im Bild
    Feature Filmvfx producerVideoinstallation im Bild
    2010Ruf mich an!Independent Feature Filmdirector
    2010Ein. Paar. Geschichten.Short Filmdirector of photography
    2010FH Dortmund. FB Maschienenbau - Die Neuerfindung des RadesCommercialdirector
    2010FH Dortmund. FB Maschienenbau - Die Neuerfindung des RadesCommercialvfx line producer