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©ARD / Steffen Junghans
©ARD / Steffen Junghans
TV Series | Episodes 98-110 | 2024-2025 | ARD [de], Degeto [de], MDR [de] | Animals, Drama, Family Entertainment, Medical | Germany

Shooting data

Start of shooting22/05/2024
End of shooting04/12/2024
LocationsLeipzig und Umgebung
Filming regionsGermany - Saxony

Project data

Episodes from/to98-110


ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
Elisabeth LanzDr. Susanne Mertens [SS]
Tobias LichtDr. Matteo Berger [SS]
Dominik WeberJasper Winter [SS]
Lilly WiedemannLuisa Mertens [SS]
Lennart BetzgenJonas Mertens [SS]
Ursela MonnCharlotte Baumgart [SS]
Gunter SchoßProf. Georg Baumgart [SS]
Thorsten WolfConrad Weidner [SS]
Götz SchubertDietmar Hoffmann [LE]
Marzia TedeschiMaria Canonero [LE]
Linda SchablowskiFrancesca Stefanelli [LE]
Amelie HennigGina Harzer [SSR]
Matthias KommMike Redmann [SSR]
Antonia BreidenbachSina Mayer [SSR]
Madeleine de le RoiLilith Glaser [SSR]
Noel OkwangaNick [SSR]
Jonas KaufmannPhil Schröder [SSR]
Eva LöserJulia [SR]
Alina KoniecznyKyra Schneider [SRE]
Jonas FürstenauDr. Max Clarin [BP]
Frank SchilcherPolizist [BP]
Hedwig SchaarenbergBarbekanntschaft [BP]


Post production supervisorMaria Krause
Digital effects designerChristoph Jahn
ColoristMarkus Wawra
Director of photographyMichael Terhorst
Director of photographyAxel Fischer
2nd unit dopMarkus Kloth
Camera operatorAndreas Hoberg
4 DT B-Cam
4 DT B-Cam
Camera operatorMarkus Kloth
Drone camera operatorMartin Lübke
1st assistant cameraOliver Blind
A Cam 85 DT
A Cam 85 DT
1st assistant cameraMartin Lübke
1.AC, B-Cam, A-Cam Fill In
1.AC, B-Cam, A-Cam Fill In
1st assistant cameraJakob Fahr
BCAM Block 1
BCAM Block 1
1st assistant cameraAndreas Hoberg
Alexa Mini, A-Cam
Alexa Mini, A-Cam
1st assistant cameraPatrick Dielefeld
B-Cam Block 2
B-Cam Block 2
2nd assistant cameraSven Wecker
A-Cam // Alexa Mini // Gimbal Ronin 2 //
A-Cam // Alexa Mini // Gimbal Ronin 2 //
2nd assistant cameraJannis Kern
Block 1
Block 1
Data wrangler / digital loaderTill Dose
Block 1 - Vertretung 4 Wochen
Block 1 - Vertretung 4 Wochen
Video assist/playback operatorSami Al Ghamian
Still photographerSteffen Junghans
Casting directorInes Rahn
Costume designerSaskia Richter
Costume designerSabrina Krämer
Costumer / wardrobeJosef Weitenbörner
Additional costumersKatharina Eichner
Additional costumersMichael Wolf
DirectorDennis Satin
DirectorTheresa Braun
4 Folgen
4 Folgen
1st AD (local system)Patricia Kaube
1st AD (local system)Guillermo Ruótolo
1st AD (local system)Julius Müller
4 DT Vertretung
4 DT Vertretung
2nd AD (local system)Julius Müller
2nd AD (local system)Deborah Martin Huidobro
Block 1 and 3
Block 1 and 3
3rd AD crowd (local system)Paul Siegling
2. Block 103-106
2. Block 103-106
3rd AD crowd (local system)Julia Füchsel
Script supervisorHolger Klinke
Script supervisorAlexandra Vogt Lösch
Script supervisorDörte Westphal
10 DT Vertretung
10 DT Vertretung
EditorEsther Weinert
EditorVivien Kummerehl
Folge 101-102
Folge 101-102
EditorMichael Reysz
EditorMarion Rettig
Assistant editorSofía Hernández
Block 1 + Vertretung 4DT Block 3
Block 1 + Vertretung 4DT Block 3
Key gripSebastian Krückl
Ronin2&Force, ScissorJib, Magnum, Secondo, Sliders, GimbalOp]
Ronin2&Force, ScissorJib, Magnum, Secondo, Sliders, GimbalOp]
Key gripSergej Gorn
2 DT
2 DT
GripMatti Zirzow
GripHannes Kempert
GripMario Zettel
GafferJörg Melzer
Lighting technician / electricianSandro Kieburg
Block 1+2
Block 1+2
Lighting technician / electricianSebastian Brücke
Block 1 + 2
Block 1 + 2
Lighting technician / electricianFlorian Manns
Lighting technician / electricianNiels Kuhlmey
Junior Beleuchter
Junior Beleuchter
Additional electricianMaik Uhlig
Makeup artist / hair stylistAnne Wendt
Makeup artist / hair stylistRichard Niermann
Staffel 9
Staffel 9
Makeup artist / hair stylistJuliane Saracaj
ComposerJörg Magnus Pfeil
ComposerKarsten Laser
ComposerAndrej Melita
ProducerIlka Förster
Delegate producerKai Meyer-Ricks
Production designerReinhard Glöde
Assistant production designerMarie Weschke
13 Folgen
13 Folgen
Prop masterDirk Breitenborn
13 Folgen
13 Folgen
Standby propsSarah Pauls
Folgen 98-102
Folgen 98-102
Line producerAndreas Thürnagel
Production managerJens Laukner
Vorbereitung, Fo. 98-101
Vorbereitung, Fo. 98-101
Production managerArmin Mahr
ab Folge 103
ab Folge 103
Production coordinatorAnke Guderle
2nd assistant production managerKlaas Schoor
Unit manager (local system)Niels Hein
Set manager/ floor managerRike Boenen
Block 2 & 3
Block 2 & 3
Set manager/ floor managerJohanna Laatz
Block 1
Block 1
Set manager/ floor managerBernhard Lindner
Folgen 103-106
Folgen 103-106
Production assistantCornelius Kreuzwirth
3DT - Vertretung
3DT - Vertretung
Production driverJannes Baaske
Production driverFranziska Linke
2 DT Zusatz, 3 DT Vertretung
2 DT Zusatz, 3 DT Vertretung
Production driverMax Kober [1]
Head writerChristiane Bubner
ScreenwriterPetra Mirus
ScreenwriterAndreas Heckmann
ScreenwriterLynda Bartnik
ScreenwriterKlaus Wolfertstetter
Dialog editorTino Hohndorf
Folge 106
Folge 106
Production sound mixerMartin Witte
Production sound mixerAlexander Schindler
Boom operatorMichael Moran
Boom operatorKai Hesselbarth
Foley artistHenrike Sommer
Folge 103 & 104
Folge 103 & 104
Animatronics engineerSchwerthelm Ziehfreund
Commissioning editorDenise Langenhan
Commissioning editorJohanna Kraus
Sustainability managerMartina Opel

Production companies

Saxonia Media Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mbH


Cameras and UtilitiesLudwig Kameraverleih GmbH
GripLudwig Kameraverleih GmbH
Lighting and UtilitiesLudwig Kameraverleih GmbH
Finance/Law/Insuranceadag Payroll Services GmbH
Komparsenabrechnung (digitaler Arbeitsvertrag)
Komparsenabrechnung (digitaler Arbeitsvertrag)
Production ServicesTischlein deck ich GmbH
CostumesBerlin City Cops
CostumesLEON Actionteam
Police uniforms
Police uniforms
CostumesTheaterkunst GmbH Kostümausstattung
KB - Saskia Richter
KB - Saskia Richter
CostumesWellenstein zeitgenössische Kostüme GmbH
Saskia Richter / Sabrina Krämer
Saskia Richter / Sabrina Krämer
PropsFTA Film- und Theater-Ausstattung GmbH
WEBSHOP Artikel / Grafikdesign / Drucke
WEBSHOP Artikel / Grafikdesign / Drucke
Sound (Postproduction)Metrix Media


TypeCountryStationDate / TimeComment
First showingGermanyARD [de]Tuesday, 18/03/2025, 8.15 PM