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The White Mosquito

    All titles (2)
    Short Film | 2011 | Comedy | Germany

    Main data

    Shooting data

    Number of shooting days5
    LocationsLeipzig und Umgebung

    Project data

    Length of movieca 15
    Aspect ratioCinemascope (1 : 2,39)
    Acquisition formatUncompressed 4 : 2 : 2
    Distribution formatDCP


    ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
    Nikolaus OkonkwoMoreé [L]
    Carsten StrauchKlaus Wattner [L]
    Marie GruberFrau Kallenbach [L]
    Thomas KochBernd Schraube [L]
    Fritz RothBilling [L]
    Sven ReeseWimmer [SR]


    ColoristKay Dombrowsky
    Director of photographyNiklas J. Hoffmann
    P+S Digimag RAW
    P+S Digimag RAW
    Scuba dopAndreas Trepte
    1st assistant cameraChristoph Poppke
    P+S Digimag
    P+S Digimag
    1st assistant cameraConrad Lobst
    SR3 DigiMag
    SR3 DigiMag
    2nd assistant cameraCornelius Blumentritt
    SR3-P+S Digimag
    SR3-P+S Digimag
    2nd assistant cameraEsther Strehlow
    2nd assistant cameraNico Schwartau
    Still photographerAndreas Wünschirs
    Costume designerSabine Setzepfand
    Costumer / wardrobeLaura Schmidt
    DirectorMarco Gadge
    1st AD (local system)Tino Kurze
    Script supervisorMathilde Scholz
    EditorRené Jacob
    Key gripErik Sens
    GafferGil Bartz
    Lighting technician / electricianMartin Beck
    Makeup artist / hair stylistMandula Hilf
    ProducerMarco Gadge
    ProducerMartin Lobst
    Production designerJulia Friebe
    + Requisite
    + Requisite
    Assistant production designerCarina Görbig
    Production managerMartin Lobst
    Assistant production managerHeidi Zetzsche
    Unit manager (local system)Jörg Hartmann
    Unit manager (local system)Anne Gaschütz
    Set manager/ floor managerChristopher Huck
    Assistant set/floor managerHeidi Zetzsche
    Production sound mixerJohannes Doberenz
    Boom operatorJan Görbig
    Sound re-recording mixerMarkus Krohn
    Sound designerMarkus Krohn
    Sound editorFrieder Wohlfarth

    Production companies

    VISIXgroup GmbH [de]


    CostumesGarderobe Leipzig
    Sound (Postproduction)mk-filmton


    Award winnerYearAwardCategory 
    Marco Gadge2012Madrid International Film Festival [es]
    Best Director Short Film
    Best Director Short FilmNominated
    Marco Gadge2012Shocking Shorts Award
    Bester Kurzfilm
    Bester KurzfilmNominated
    Carsten Strauch2012Madrid International Film Festival [es]
    Bester Hauptdarsteller
    Bester HauptdarstellerNominated


    TypeCountryStationDate / TimeComment
    First showingGermanyMDR [de]Saturday, 27/04/2013