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Sylvie Reimer, actress, Stuttgart
  • Actress
Born 1991 in Reutlingen (33 Years)

Basic data

DialectsSwabian (Native dialect)
Skills (dance)BalletCharlestonLatin-AmericanModern DanceStandard
Skills (sports)acrobaticsfencing (stage)jugglingyoga
Immediate working areaStuttgart
1st residence (federal state or country)Germany - Baden-Württemberg
LicencesB (car) [eu]


Phone+49 89 52032905
Mobile+49 172 8010831


2012/9 to 2016/8TheaterAkademieStuttgart

Movies as actress

2023Lidl - Winter (WT)
Selfie [L]
CommercialMarcin MikulskiSelfie [L]
2023Projekt Golgota (WT)
Servicedame [L]
Short FilmJoachim SchmidServicedame [L]
Amy [BP]
Showreel ProductionTimur ÖrgeAmy [BP]
2021ProSieben - HD TV (WT)
Frau Quiz [L]
CommercialRenato NovakovicFrau Quiz [L]
Sylvie [L]
Short FilmPatrick EtterSylvie [L]
2020Dinkel Max - Romy und Julius
Romy [L]
CommercialTim SteffanRomy [L]
2020Lidl - fin Carré
WG Mädchen [BP]
CommercialMartin HaerlinWG Mädchen [BP]
2020Kevin - Home Alone ?!
Kevin [L]
Showreel ProductionSylvie ReimerKevin [L]
2020Ratched in 2020
Ratched [L]
Showreel ProductionSylvie ReimerRatched [L]
2019Hugo Boss - Being Boss (WT)
Young woman [SR]
Spec CommercialSinan SevincYoung woman [SR]
2019Mjam - Karaoke
Karaokesängerin [L]
CommercialArne Nostitz-RieneckKaraokesängerin [L]
2019The Garden Street Project - Pirates Fever (NOT RELEASED) (WT)
Countrystar [L]
Music VideoFlorian BakuCountrystar [L]
Kim [L]
Short FilmPatrick EtterKim [L]
2018Me, Myself and I
Sylvie [L]
Showreel ProductionSylvie ReimerSylvie [L]
Kati [SR]
Independent Feature FilmKoni HansenKati [SR]
2017Zeiten ändern sich
Thea [L]
Short FilmPatrick EtterThea [L]
Kora [L]
Short FilmSarah KochKora [L]

Theatre engagements

YearProduction nameRoleDirectorTheatre
2017 - 2019Blutsschwestern und BlutsbrüderHannahEdzard SchoppmannBAAL novo Theater Eurodistrict
2016Geschichten aus dem WienerwaldMarianneWojtek KlemmAkademie für Darstellende Kunst BW
2016TroerinnenTroerinChristian SchlösserTheter-Kompagnie-Stuttgart
2016LysitrateMyrrhineChristian SchlösserTheter-Kompagnie-Stuttgart

Other projects

YearProject typeTitleActivityCompany
2022In front of the cameraOffice LifeSchauspielerinDie Visionauten
2022showreel projectMamma MiaSchauspielerinFlo Icon
2021showreel projectThe GrinchSchauspielerinFlo Icon
2022In front of the cameraDentistSchauspielerinAndrea Koch
2021In front of the cameraHome OfficeSchauspielerinSiewert & Kau
2021In front of the cameraJuvicellSchauspielerinJuvicell
2020showreel projectHome Alone ?!SchauspielerinFlo Icon
2020showreel projectRatched in QuarantineSchauspielerinFlo Icon
2020In front of the cameraWir bleiben zu HauseSchauspielerinBundesgesundheitsministerium
2020In front of the cameraJugendamtSchauspielerinJugendamt
2020In front of the cameraKaya BioticsSchauspielerinKaya Biotics
2019In front of the cameraNKDSchauspielerinFrisch Media
2019In front of the cameraDean&DavidSchauspielerinDean&David
2019In front of the cameraWerbefilm SevdeskSchauspielerinSevdesk

Basic data

Height167 cm
Body typeslim
Clothing size36
Ethnic appearancewhite central european
Hair colourdark blond
Hair lengthlong
Eye colourblue
DialectsSwabian (Native dialect)
Voice typealto
Skills (dance)BalletCharlestonLatin-AmericanModern DanceStandard
Skills (sports)acrobaticsfencing (stage)jugglingyoga
LicencesB (car) [eu]
Immediate working areaStuttgart
1st residence (federal state or country)Germany - Baden-Württemberg
Accommodation possibilitiesBerlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Munich