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Remnants of Technology Film Poster | ©peregrinefilms
Music Video | 2021 | Action | Germany

Main data

Shooting data

Number of shooting days3
LocationsAlte Münze, Spreewald
Filming regionsGermany - Berlin

Project data

Length of movie10:00 min




1st ADCandela Canellas Daigeler
Steadicam operatorJörg Schenten
Omega AR // ALEXA Mini // Cooke Annamophic
Omega AR // ALEXA Mini // Cooke Annamophic
2nd assistant cameraVanessa Linden
B Cam
B Cam
2nd assistant cameraJustin Konetzke
Cooke Anamorphics
Cooke Anamorphics
Costume designerAlba Gádor Díaz Navarro
DirectorLucas Fiederling
EditorTim Plaster
GafferJoran Ost
Lighting assistantJonatan Lux
Hair/makeup designerAlicia Porsche
Head of Makeup
Head of Makeup
ProducerVanessa Linden
Creative producerCandela Canellas Daigeler
Prop masterAna María Alarcón Quinche
Assistant to propmaster /- buyerMarie-Katharina Oßner
Assistant stand by propsMarie-Katharina Oßner

Production companies

Peregrine Films GmbH