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Daily Soap Opera | 2012 | ARD [de], KiKA Kinderkanal [de], MDR [de], ZDF [de] | Children, Daily Soap, Youth | Germany

Shooting data

Start of shooting09/01/2012
End of shooting20/12/2012
Filming regionsEast Germany


ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
Janina ElkinAnna-Carina Levin [SS]
Guido RennerFranz Knecht [SS]
Robert SchuppDr. Berger [SS]
Björn von der WellenAlexander Fischer [SS]
Olaf BurmeisterHeiner Zech [SS]
Paul HartmannJohannes Enns [SS]
Lennart KönigSándor Laszlo [SS]
Henrieke FritzConstanze von Blumenberg [SS]
Luisa LiebtrauCorinna Schmidt [SS]
Marie BorchardtPia Pigalke [SS]
Hugo GießlerHubertus Müller-Kehlbach [SS]
Jacob GunkelPhillip Gubisch [SS]
Sophie ImelmannMary Fuchs [SS]
Miriam KatzerRonja Varga [SS]
Cornelia KaupertMargarethe Zech [SS]
Viktoria KrauseElisabeth Fuchs [SS]
Lucas LeppertTommy Kluge [SS]
Anica RöhlingerSophie Mai [SS]
Gert SchaeferHeinz Pasulke [SS]
Alexandra Milena SchillerAnnika Schneeberger [SS]
Lena SchneidewindClara Fischer [SS]
Albert WeyElias Leinhoff [SS]
Stefan WiegandTobias Knecht [SS]
Sabrina WollweberFelicitas Ferber [SS]
Johna Nely Nunez FontaineDaphne Leandros [L]
Uwe LachHerr Graefe [LE]
Liz Baffoen.a. [LE]
Stephan SzászHerr Ferber [LE]
Timmi TrinksFynn DeFreeze [LE]
Sascha TschornHr. Kreil [LE]
Kristin MeyerAndrea Leinhoff [LE]
Anton MartinMateo [LE]
Sarina NowakJasmin [LE]
Kristina Karst-El ScheichSina Wollinger [SSR]
Georg BlumreiterUwe Krassnick [SSR]
Angelika BöttigerLieselote Rottbach [SSR]
Simone JaegerFrau Zöllner [SRE]
Thomas SchmuckertJochen Lascheck [SRE]
Raschid Daniel SidgiEpisodenrolle [SRE]
Philipp SonntagHerbert Knecht [SRE]
Daniella ErdmannDr. Kreusler [SRE]
Matthias H. HerzerSchulamtsmitarbeiter [SRE]
Chi LeÜbersetzerin [SRE]
Martin BertramMöbelpacker [BP]
Ugur EkerogluEvangelos Leandros


CashierMartina Esche
ColoristMarkus Wawra
ColoristRuth Scheffler
Nucoda HD/Precision Panel
Nucoda HD/Precision Panel
Director of photographyHeiko Merten
4 Folgen
4 Folgen
Director of photographyMichael Burgermeister
12 Folgen
12 Folgen
Director of photographyPatrick Popow
Director of photographyKai-Uwe Schulenburg
2nd unit dopChristoph Poppke
1st assistant cameraThomas Handtke
1st assistant cameraAndreas Hoberg
1st assistant cameraVernon Dolan
Vier folge
Vier folge
2nd assistant cameraMartin Mikußies
2nd assistant cameraFlu Popow
Block 186-189
Block 186-189
2nd assistant cameraSaskia Franz
Video assist/playback operatorLeon Barnikol
Still photographerAnke Neugebauer
Camera traineeSaskia Franz
Casting directorMichael Krämer
Casting assistantSusan Kuhne
Costume designerGabriele Frauendorf
Assistant costume designerUlrike Goosmann
16. Staffel bis Dez. '12
16. Staffel bis Dez. '12
Costumer / wardrobeJennifer Rösner
Costumer / wardrobeAngelique Wilhelm
ab Block 187
ab Block 187
Additional costumersLaura Schmidt
DirectorMartin Busker
DirectorFrank Stoye
14 Folgen
14 Folgen
DirectorSeverin Lohmer
DirectorNils Dettmann
Folgen 757 + 758
Folgen 757 + 758
DirectorIrina Popow
DirectorFrank Gotthardy
1st AD (local system)Nadja Beinert
Episode 753 - 756
Episode 753 - 756
1st AD (local system)Elena Semler
Nils Dettman
Nils Dettman
1st AD (local system)Nils Dettmann
1st AD (local system)Theresa Braun
16 F, R: F.Gotthardy, M.Luther, I.Popow
16 F, R: F.Gotthardy, M.Luther, I.Popow
1st AD (local system)Judith Joksch
1st AD (local system)Anna Schlichting
1st AD (local system)Corona Bellin
Script supervisorThomas Jankowski
- Folge 740
- Folge 740
Actor coach (children)Ivo Hubbuch
EditorRobert Hentschel
EditorGrit Meyer
EditorHeike Ebner
Key gripJonas Kuhn
Block 184 & 187(KV) & 190
Block 184 & 187(KV) & 190
Key gripBenjamin Erdenberger
Key gripSebastian Krückl
div.Tage Jan.Apr.Jun.Jul.Aug.Sep.Nov.Dez
div.Tage Jan.Apr.Jun.Jul.Aug.Sep.Nov.Dez
GripLeon Barnikol
GripFlorian Heinrich
GafferBenjamin Erdenberger
Trailer / Vorspann
Trailer / Vorspann
GafferFrank Wagner
Lighting technician / electricianMartin Langfeld
Lighting technician / electricianUwe Müller [1]
Lighting technician / electricianUrs Zimmermann
11 Folgen
11 Folgen
Lighting technician / electricianLeon Barnikol
Lighting technician / electricianMatthias Suchanek
Lighting assistantChristoph Reiß
Lighting assistantTobi Langhof
Lighting assistantFlorian Heinrich
Lighting assistantPeter Wedig
Lighting traineeEdzard Ehrle
Key makeup artist/hair stylistPeggy Billing
Makeup artist / hair stylistDorothea Wiedermann
Makeup artist / hair stylistSandy Hänsel
ProducerHans Werner Honert
ProducerYvonne Abele
Production designerDietmar Keil
Prop masterAntje Goldmann
Standby propsThomas Gelzinnes
Standby propsChristian Witter
Standby propsMatthias Suchanek
2 Monate
2 Monate
Standby propsMandy Schermer
Set builderYves Taubert
Set builderSteffen Siewert
Line producerHanna Eickhoff
Line producerSven Sund
Production managerFlorian Nilson
Unit manager (local system)Renate Teichmann
05/2012-07/2013 = 8 Folgen
05/2012-07/2013 = 8 Folgen
Unit manager (local system)Michael Schütz
46 Folgen
46 Folgen
Set manager/ floor managerSascha Esche
KV Block 188 DT 41-45
KV Block 188 DT 41-45
Production secretaryHeidi Vorpahl
Assistant unit managerRenate Teichmann
Set runnerBjörn S. Breyer
Head writerWerner Lüder, Dr.
ScreenwriterDana Bechtle-Bechtinger
ScreenwriterSarah Schill
Script editorMarvin Machalett
ab Sommer 2012 (Staffel 16)
ab Sommer 2012 (Staffel 16)
Production sound mixerMarko M. Weichler
Production sound mixerStefan Schiminski
Boom operatorTony Nowak
Boom operatorRobin Jochem
Boom operatorStefan Gollhardt
Boom operatorWerner Hartwig
Stunt coordinatorTim Haberland
Child supervisorSteffen Stibbe
Gesamte Staffel
Gesamte Staffel
Dialogue coachIvo Hubbuch
Dialogue coachJürgen Trott

Production companies

Saxonia Media Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mbH


GripMedia City Atelier (MCA) GmbH
StuntsStunt Team Haberland [de]
Lighting and UtilitiesMedia City Atelier (MCA) GmbH
Finance/Law/InsuranceMecon Media Concept Ltd. [de]
Gagenabrechnung (Komparsen)
Gagenabrechnung (Komparsen)
Finance/Law/InsuranceTeamwork-Filmservice GmbH
Komparsenabrechnung (Teil)
Komparsenabrechnung (Teil)
Production Servicesfilmissimo Catering
Locations and StudiosStudiopark KinderMedienZentrum
Studio A, Außenmotiv
Studio A, Außenmotiv
interaktive Animationen für PC, Tablet und Smartphone
interaktive Animationen für PC, Tablet und Smartphone
Vehicles and aircraftspolizeiteam.de
Unipkws, Unipolis
Unipkws, Unipolis
Film Processing/TransfersMCS Team GmbH
Image/EditingMCS Team GmbH
TitlesMCS Team GmbH