Director | Frank Stoye, Martin Busker, Nils Dettmann, Frank Gotthardy, Severin Lohmer, Irina Popow |
Written by | Werner Lüder, Dr. (head writer), Sarah Schill, Dana Bechtle-Bechtinger |
Production | Saxonia Media Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mbH |
Start of shooting | 09/01/2012 |
End of shooting | 20/12/2012 |
Locations | Erfurt |
Filming regions | East Germany |
Actor | Role name | Voice actor / SpeakerVoice actor |
Janina Elkin | Anna-Carina Levin [SS] | |
Guido Renner | Franz Knecht [SS] | |
Robert Schupp | Dr. Berger [SS] | |
Björn von der Wellen | Alexander Fischer [SS] | |
Olaf Burmeister | Heiner Zech [SS] | |
Paul Hartmann | Johannes Enns [SS] | |
Lennart König | Sándor Laszlo [SS] | |
Henrieke Fritz | Constanze von Blumenberg [SS] | |
Luisa Liebtrau | Corinna Schmidt [SS] | |
Marie Borchardt | Pia Pigalke [SS] | |
Hugo Gießler | Hubertus Müller-Kehlbach [SS] | |
Jacob Gunkel | Phillip Gubisch [SS] | |
Sophie Imelmann | Mary Fuchs [SS] | |
Miriam Katzer | Ronja Varga [SS] | |
Cornelia Kaupert | Margarethe Zech [SS] | |
Viktoria Krause | Elisabeth Fuchs [SS] | |
Lucas Leppert | Tommy Kluge [SS] | |
Anica Röhlinger | Sophie Mai [SS] | |
Gert Schaefer | Heinz Pasulke [SS] | |
Alexandra Milena Schiller | Annika Schneeberger [SS] | |
Lena Schneidewind | Clara Fischer [SS] | |
Albert Wey | Elias Leinhoff [SS] | |
Stefan Wiegand | Tobias Knecht [SS] | |
Sabrina Wollweber | Felicitas Ferber [SS] | |
Johna Nely Nunez Fontaine | Daphne Leandros [L] | |
Uwe Lach | Herr Graefe [LE] | |
Liz Baffoe | n.a. [LE] | |
Stephan Szász | Herr Ferber [LE] | |
Timmi Trinks | Fynn DeFreeze [LE] | |
Sascha Tschorn | Hr. Kreil [LE] | |
Kristin Meyer | Andrea Leinhoff [LE] | |
Anton Martin | Mateo [LE] | |
Sarina Nowak | Jasmin [LE] | |
Kristina Karst-El Scheich | Sina Wollinger [SSR] | |
Georg Blumreiter | Uwe Krassnick [SSR] | |
Angelika Böttiger | Lieselote Rottbach [SSR] | |
Simone Jaeger | Frau Zöllner [SRE] | |
Thomas Schmuckert | Jochen Lascheck [SRE] | |
Raschid Daniel Sidgi | Episodenrolle [SRE] | |
Philipp Sonntag | Herbert Knecht [SRE] | |
Daniella Erdmann | Dr. Kreusler [SRE] | |
Matthias H. Herzer | Schulamtsmitarbeiter [SRE] | |
Chi Le | Übersetzerin [SRE] | |
Martin Bertram | Möbelpacker [BP] | |
Ugur Ekeroglu | Evangelos Leandros |
Activity | Name | Comment |
Cashier | Martina Esche | |
Colorist | Markus Wawra | |
Colorist | Ruth Scheffler Nucoda HD/Precision Panel | Nucoda HD/Precision Panel |
Director of photography | Heiko Merten 4 Folgen | 4 Folgen |
Director of photography | Michael Burgermeister 12 Folgen | 12 Folgen |
Director of photography | Patrick Popow | |
Director of photography | Kai-Uwe Schulenburg | |
2nd unit dop | Christoph Poppke | |
1st assistant camera | Thomas Handtke | |
1st assistant camera | Andreas Hoberg | |
1st assistant camera | Vernon Dolan Vier folge | Vier folge |
2nd assistant camera | Martin Mikußies | |
2nd assistant camera | Flu Popow Block 186-189 | Block 186-189 |
2nd assistant camera | Saskia Franz | |
Video assist/playback operator | Leon Barnikol | |
Still photographer | Anke Neugebauer | |
Camera trainee | Saskia Franz | |
Casting director | Michael Krämer | |
Casting assistant | Susan Kuhne Komparsencasting | Komparsencasting |
Costume designer | Gabriele Frauendorf | |
Assistant costume designer | Ulrike Goosmann 16. Staffel bis Dez. '12 | 16. Staffel bis Dez. '12 |
Costumer / wardrobe | Jennifer Rösner | |
Costumer / wardrobe | Angelique Wilhelm ab Block 187 | ab Block 187 |
Additional costumers | Laura Schmidt | |
Director | Martin Busker | |
Director | Frank Stoye 14 Folgen | 14 Folgen |
Director | Severin Lohmer | |
Director | Nils Dettmann Folgen 757 + 758 | Folgen 757 + 758 |
Director | Irina Popow | |
Director | Frank Gotthardy | |
1st AD (local system) | Nadja Beinert Episode 753 - 756 | Episode 753 - 756 |
1st AD (local system) | Elena Semler Nils Dettman | Nils Dettman |
1st AD (local system) | Nils Dettmann | |
1st AD (local system) | Theresa Braun 16 F, R: F.Gotthardy, M.Luther, I.Popow | 16 F, R: F.Gotthardy, M.Luther, I.Popow |
1st AD (local system) | Judith Joksch | |
1st AD (local system) | Anna Schlichting | |
1st AD (local system) | Corona Bellin F.733-736 | F.733-736 |
Script supervisor | Thomas Jankowski - Folge 740 | - Folge 740 |
Actor coach (children) | Ivo Hubbuch | |
Editor | Robert Hentschel | |
Editor | Grit Meyer | |
Editor | Heike Ebner | |
Key grip | Jonas Kuhn Block 184 & 187(KV) & 190 | Block 184 & 187(KV) & 190 |
Key grip | Benjamin Erdenberger | |
Key grip | Sebastian Krückl div.Tage Jan.Apr.Jun.Jul.Aug.Sep.Nov.Dez | div.Tage Jan.Apr.Jun.Jul.Aug.Sep.Nov.Dez |
Grip | Leon Barnikol | |
Grip | Florian Heinrich Zusatz | Zusatz |
Gaffer | Benjamin Erdenberger Trailer / Vorspann | Trailer / Vorspann |
Gaffer | Frank Wagner | |
Lighting technician / electrician | Martin Langfeld | |
Lighting technician / electrician | Uwe Müller [1] | |
Lighting technician / electrician | Urs Zimmermann 11 Folgen | 11 Folgen |
Lighting technician / electrician | Leon Barnikol | |
Lighting technician / electrician | Matthias Suchanek | |
Lighting assistant | Christoph Reiß | |
Lighting assistant | Tobi Langhof | |
Lighting assistant | Florian Heinrich Zusatz | Zusatz |
Lighting assistant | Peter Wedig Zusatz | Zusatz |
Lighting trainee | Edzard Ehrle | |
Key makeup artist/hair stylist | Peggy Billing | |
Makeup artist / hair stylist | Dorothea Wiedermann Maskenbildnerin | Maskenbildnerin |
Makeup artist / hair stylist | Sandy Hänsel | |
Producer | Hans Werner Honert | |
Producer | Yvonne Abele | |
Production designer | Dietmar Keil | |
Prop master | Antje Goldmann | |
Standby props | Thomas Gelzinnes | |
Standby props | Christian Witter | |
Standby props | Matthias Suchanek 2 Monate | 2 Monate |
Standby props | Mandy Schermer | |
Set builder | Yves Taubert | |
Set builder | Steffen Siewert | |
Line producer | Hanna Eickhoff | |
Line producer | Sven Sund | |
Production manager | Florian Nilson | |
Unit manager (local system) | Renate Teichmann 05/2012-07/2013 = 8 Folgen | 05/2012-07/2013 = 8 Folgen |
Unit manager (local system) | Michael Schütz 46 Folgen | 46 Folgen |
Set manager/ floor manager | Sascha Esche KV Block 188 DT 41-45 | KV Block 188 DT 41-45 |
Production secretary | Heidi Vorpahl | |
Assistant unit manager | Renate Teichmann | |
Set runner | Björn S. Breyer | |
Head writer | Werner Lüder, Dr. | |
Screenwriter | Dana Bechtle-Bechtinger | |
Screenwriter | Sarah Schill | |
Script editor | Marvin Machalett ab Sommer 2012 (Staffel 16) | ab Sommer 2012 (Staffel 16) |
Production sound mixer | Marko M. Weichler | |
Production sound mixer | Stefan Schiminski | |
Boom operator | Tony Nowak | |
Boom operator | Robin Jochem | |
Boom operator | Stefan Gollhardt | |
Boom operator | Werner Hartwig | |
Stunt coordinator | Tim Haberland | |
Child supervisor | Steffen Stibbe Gesamte Staffel | Gesamte Staffel |
Dialogue coach | Ivo Hubbuch | |
Dialogue coach | Jürgen Trott |
Company | Comment |
Saxonia Media Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mbH |
Department | Company | Comment |
Grip | Media City Atelier (MCA) GmbH | |
Stunts | Stunt Team Haberland [de] | |
Lighting and Utilities | Media City Atelier (MCA) GmbH | |
Finance/Law/Insurance | Mecon Media Concept Ltd. [de] Gagenabrechnung (Komparsen) | Gagenabrechnung (Komparsen) |
Finance/Law/Insurance | Teamwork-Filmservice GmbH Komparsenabrechnung (Teil) | Komparsenabrechnung (Teil) |
Production Services | filmissimo Catering Catering | Catering |
Costumes | PATIN-A SHOP GmbH Kostümequipment | Kostümequipment |
Locations and Studios | Studiopark KinderMedienZentrum Studio A, Außenmotiv | Studio A, Außenmotiv |
Props | I-Sight-Media interaktive Animationen für PC, Tablet und Smartphone | interaktive Animationen für PC, Tablet und Smartphone |
Vehicles and aircrafts | Unipkws, Unipolis | Unipkws, Unipolis |
Film Processing/Transfers | MCS Team GmbH | |
Image/Editing | MCS Team GmbH | |
Titles | MCS Team GmbH |