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    Films listed with Crew United

    2017Dahoam is DahoamDaily Soap Opera, BR [de]production secretary
    2016Dahoam is DahoamDaily Soap Opera, BR [de]production secretary
    2015Dahoam is DahoamDaily Soap Opera, BR [de]production secretary
    2015Grünwalds FreitagscomedyTV-Show, BR [de]production secretary
    2015Habe die EhreTV-Show, BR [de]production secretary
    2015Sounds of Bully’s Cinema (25.6.15 Cirkus Krone)TV-Event, BR [de]production secretary
    20153. Stock links. Die Kabarett-WGTV-Show, ARD [de], BR [de]production secretary
    2014Brettl Spitzn IIIStage Play Recording, BR [de]production secretary
    2014Habe die EhreTV-Show, BR [de]production secretary
    2014Auf geht's zur Donaugartenschau - Live aus DeggendorfTV-Event, BR [de]production secretary
    2014Wirtshausmusikanten beim HirzingerTV-Show, BR [de]production secretary
    2014Dahoam is Dahoam
    Bayerischer Rundfunk
    Daily Soap Opera, BR [de]production secretaryBayerischer Rundfunk
    2014Grünwalds FreitagscomedyTV-Show, BR [de]production secretary
    2013Dahoam is Dahoam
    Bayerischer Rundfunk
    Daily Soap Opera, BR [de]production secretaryBayerischer Rundfunk
    2013Komödienstadel - Allein unter Kühen (WT)Stage Play Recording, BR [de]production secretary
    2013Habe die EhreTV-Show, BR [de]production secretary
    2013Die Sternstunden Gala 2013TV-Event, BR [de]production secretary
    2013Brettl Spitzn IIStage Play Recording, BR [de]production secretary
    2013Sauhund! Die pfundige PuppenshowTV-Show, BR [de]production secretary
    2013Auf geht's zum BR-Radltour - Live aus ErdingTV-Event, BR [de]production secretary