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    Movies saved at Crew United

    2024Das Geheimnis der Orte (aka Peter Zumthor) (WT)Documentary
    2024I'll be gone in June (WT)Feature Film
    2022An Endless SundayFeature Film
    2021Anselm (3D)Documentary Feature
    2020Présence (3D)Video Installation
    2020A Black JesusDocumentary Feature
    2017It Must Schwing!Documentary Feature
    2017Pope Francis - A Man of His WordDocumentary Feature
    2015The Beautiful Days of Aranjuez
    Feature FilmKoproduktion
    2014Kathedralen der Kultur - TrailerCommercial
    2013Every Thing Will Be FineFeature Film
    2013Cathedrals of Culture - Halden PrisonDocumentary (Series)
    2013Cathedrals of Culture - The Oslo Opera HouseDocumentary (Series)
    2013Cathedrals of Culture - The Salk InstituteDocumentary (Series)
    2013Cathedrals of Culture - Centre PompidouDocumentary (Series)
    2013Kathedralen der Kultur - Russische National Bibliothek St. Petersburg (WT)Documentary (Series)
    2012Kathedralen der Kultur - Berliner Philharmonie / Cathedrals of Culture -The Berlin Philharmonic (WT)Documentary (Series)
    2011Loewe - 3D FernseherCommercial
    2011Wolf (WT)Feature Film
    2011Unfair WorldFeature Film