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    Films listed with Crew United

    2012V8 - Du willst der Beste seinFeature Filmconcept artist
    2011Cloud AtlasFeature Filmconcept artist
    2011Hansel & Gretel - Witch Hunters (3D)Feature Filmprop designer
    2010Hotel LuxFeature Filmconcept artist
    2010Bermuda - Dreieck NordseeTV Movie, RTL [de]storyboard artist
    2010Ritter Rost - Eisenhart und voll verbeult (3D)Feature Filmconcept artist
    2009DreiFeature Filmconcept artist
    2009Vorstadtkrokodile 2 - Die coolste Bande ist zurückFeature Filmstoryboard artist
    2009The Ghost Writer
    Concept Illustration
    Feature Filmconcept artistConcept Illustration
    2008Der letzte Tempelritter
    Concept Design
    Feature Filmconcept artistConcept Design
    2007The International
    Concept Design
    Feature Filmconcept artistConcept Design
    2007Der Baader Meinhof Komplex
    Storyboard Artist
    Feature Filmconcept artistStoryboard Artist
    2007Der Baader Meinhof KomplexFeature Filmstoryboard artist
    2007Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin
    Concept Design
    Feature Filmconcept artistConcept Design
    Concept Design
    Feature Filmconcept artistConcept Design
    2005Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
    Production Design, Storyboard
    Feature Filmconcept artistProduction Design, Storyboard
    2005Lissi und der wilde Kaiser
    Production Designer
    Feature Filmproduction designerProduction Designer
    2004The Treasure Of The White Falcon
    Illustrationen Abspann
    Feature Filmconcept artistIllustrationen Abspann
    1995The Slit
    Feature Filmconcept artistFilmplakat
    1992Terror 2000 - Intensivstation Deutschland
    Feature Filmconcept artistFilmplakat