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    Films listed with Crew United

    20231&1 - Diamond (WT)Commercialdirector of photography
    2023Netflix - Squid Game x Wok WMCommercialdirector of photography
    20221&1 - Samsung Family (WT)Commercialdirector of photography
    2022Nivea - The Shadow JumperCommercialdirector of photography
    2022Doc - Ibuprofen. BegrüßungCommercialdirector of photography
    20211&1 - ZahlpauseCommercialdirector of photography
    2021Stepstone - Der GehaltsplanerCommercialdirector of photography
    2021Visit Berlin - Berlin. Bewegt. Lass dich vom Puls der Stadt begeistern.Commercialdirector of photography
    2020Fielmann - Fielmann FinderCommercialdirector of photography
    2019Aldi - Activ Energy Akku-SystemProduct videodirector of photography
    2019Knappschaft - Auch beim Sport immer an Ihrer SeiteCommercialdirector of photography
    2019Telekom - MagentaSport. ImpactCommercialdirector of photography
    2018Joris - Glück aufMusic Videodirector of photography
    2018VW Service - SchlüsselmomenteCommercialdirector of photography
    2018Wincent Weiss - An WunderMusic Videodirector of photography
    2018Mercedes-Benz - Are we dreaming?Corporate Filmdirector of photography
    2017Steiff - Part of the familyCommercialdirector of photography
    2017Romano - MuttiMusic Videodirector of photography
    2017Manor - 70 Jahre Locarno Festival. EisdieleCorporate Filmdirector of photography
    2017Jennifer Rostock - DeicheMusic Videodirector of photography