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Nils Eckhardt, storyboard artist, Munich
© Florian Hahn
  • Storyboard artist
Busy until: 31st March 2025
Born on 06.08.1975 in Kassel (49 Years)


Nils Eckhardt - Animation und Illustration


Neuhauserweg 282211  Herrsching a. AmmerseeGermany
Mobile+49 162 9879510
Phone+49 8152 9041220

About Nils Eckhardt

“You need pictures? I can draw!"

Nils Eckhardt is a serial killustrator for storyboard supervision, story art, concept design and 2D animation.

Known for

Movies as storyboard artist

2024Seeräubermoses (WT)Feature FilmFlorian WestermannUlysses Filmproduktion GmbH
2024Go with the Floh (WT)Feature FilmAli Samadi AhadiLittle Dream Entertainment GmbH [de]
2023Der letzte Walsänger / The Last Whale Singer (aka Der letzte Sänger der Wale) (WT)Feature FilmReza MemariTelescope Animation GmbH
Episodes 1, 4, 6 and partially 7
TV Series, BR [de], SWR [de]MultipleBrave New Work GmbHEpisodes 1, 4, 6 and partially 7
2022Tafiti - Ab durch die Wüste / Tafiti - Across the Desert (WT)
Feature FilmNina WelsTradewind PicturesBeatboard
2022Wow! Nachricht aus dem All
VFX board
Feature FilmFelix BinderSamFilm GmbH [de]VFX board
2021Geheimkommando Familie
VFX board
TV Movie, ARD [de], Degeto [de], SWR [de]Christina AdlerFFL Film- und Fernseh-Labor Ludwigsburg GmbH & Co. KGVFX board
2021Die Geschichte der Menschheit - leicht gekürzt
VFX board
Feature FilmErik HaffnerPantaleon Films GmbHVFX board
2020Der junge Häuptling WinnetouFeature FilmMike MarzukSamFilm GmbH [de]
2020My Fairy TroublemakerFeature FilmCaroline OrigerElla Filmproduktion GmbH
2019Die MuskeltiereTV Series, ZDF [de]MultipleCaligari Film- und Fernsehproduktions GmbH
2019Der Amsterdam-Krimi - Tod im HafenbeckenTV-Movie (Series), ARD [de], Degeto [de]Peter StauchZieglerfilm Köln GmbH
2018LieselotteTV Series, ZDF [de]MultipleWunderWerk GmbH [de]
2018Dragon RiderFeature FilmTomer EshedConstantin Film [de]
2017Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss - Auf in den Dschungel!
Storyboard Supervisor
Feature FilmAnthony PowerCaligari Film- und Fernsehproduktions GmbHStoryboard Supervisor
2017Von oben nach unten
reshoot 2020
Independent Feature FilmOliver MielkeEntertainment Factory GmbH [de]reshoot 2020
2016Capt’n Sharky
Storyboard Supervisor
Feature FilmMultipleCaligari Film- und Fernsehproduktions GmbHStoryboard Supervisor
2015Ritter Rost 2 - Das Schrottkomplott
Head of Storyboard
Feature FilmMultipleCaligari Film- und Fernsehproduktions GmbHHead of Storyboard
2014Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss
Storyboard Supervisor
TV Series, ZDF [de]MultipleCaligari Film- und Fernsehproduktions GmbHStoryboard Supervisor
2014Ritter RostTV Series, ZDF [de]Felix SchichlCaligari Film- und Fernsehproduktions GmbH

Movies in other capacities

2014Der kleine Drache KokosnussTV Series, ZDF [de]MultipleCaligari Film- und Fernsehproduktions GmbHdirector
2011Der KlassenfeindShort FilmMartin Nudowfilmschaft maas & füllmich GmbHanimator
2006The wild fields and the warriorShort FilmNils EckhardtNils Eckhardt Animation [de]producer
2006The wild fields and the warriorShort FilmNils EckhardtNils Eckhardt Animation [de]director
2005Lissi und der wilde KaiserFeature FilmMichael Bully HerbigHerbx Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH [de]assistant production manager (Assist. Animation Director)
2001RosenreigenShort FilmMultipleHAW Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg [de]stop motion animator
2001RosenreigenShort FilmNils EckhardtHAW Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg [de]director

Other projects

YearProject typeTitleActivityCompany
2021 - 2023video gameHauma2D ArtistSenAm Games
2021video gameEmpathyXArt DirectorSenAm Games
2021video gameThe Superhero CampusArt DirectorSenAm Games
2021video gameUndercover mission at the hospitalArt DirectorSenAm Games
2012video gameRoger and Out2D Background Artist for Brower GameTravian Games GmbH
2011 - 2012video gameTales of VendettaConcept Artist (Character and Prop Design)MegaZebra GmbH
2010 - 2011video gameBrowser GameConcept Art and Character DesignTravian Games GmbH

Film awards

2024FriedefeldDeutsche Akademie für Fernsehen (DAfFNE) [de]VFX/AnimationNominated
2005RosenreigenBIAFF The British Int. Amateur Film Festival [uk]Silver Plus AwardWinner
2004RosenreigenFish 04, Festival im StadtHafen in RostockSilbermedailleWinner
2004RosenreigenOpen Eyes Filmfest MarburgPublikumslieblingWinner
2004RosenreigenUnica 2004, WürzburgBronzemedailleWinner
2004Rosenreigen43. Golden Knight 2004 Valleta [mt]Bronzener RitterWinner
2003RosenreigenKarownale, 3. Int. Jugendkurzfilmfestival BerlinPreis für beste Kamera, besten SchnittWinner
2003RosenreigenBundesfestival Video & Film 2003 DresdenDeutscher Jugendvideopreis 2003, Young MediaWinner

Basic data

Special skillsStoryboard Supervision
Art Direction
Story Artist
Conceptual Design
Character Development
2D Animation
Own equipmentHardware:
Cintiq Pro 24 P

ToonBoom Storyboard Pro
Clip Studio Paint
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects
EducationHAW Hamburg, 09/1999 - 01/2006
Illustration, Dipl. Des.

FH Düsseldorf, 09/1997 - 08/1999
Graphic Design
Further referencesVITA

Freelancer at stöhr ddb, Düsseldorf

Freelancer at NDR (brand design), Hamburg

Assistant Production Manager at Public Toons Entertainment, Hamburg, for the Ully Arndt production „The Reporter – Cool Flame"

since 2005
freelance Illustrator (IO) for Storyboard, Concept Art and 2D Animation

production of animation clips for "NDR Bibelquiz” and "NDR Deutschlandquiz"

Secretary at Illustratoren Organisation e.V.

since 2019
Adviser for the Illustratoren Organisation e.V. as Deputy Member of the Administrative Council for the Professional Group II of VG Bild-Kunst and Head of the Council of Rights of Deutscher Designtag e.V.
Preferred place of work2D and 3D animation projects for TV, cinema, streaming and games
live action movies
short movies
advertising spots
video sequences for computer games
Immediate working areaMunich
1st residence (federal state or country)Germany - Bavaria