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Short Film | 2024 | Drama, Horror, Psychodrama | Germany
The project "Neuschnee" has been editorially approved, but continues to be regularly reviewed, updated and supported through to release by our editors. Please inform us of missing, false or outdated data.

Shooting data

Start of shooting15/01/2024
End of shooting23/01/2024
Number of shooting days7
LocationsBerlin (Deutschland), Konitz (Polen)
Filming regionsGermany - Berlin, Poland

Project data

Length of movie15min


ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
Daniel GraveVincent [L]
Katrin Katz KöbbertKaro [L]


ColoristLukas Link
Director of photographyFrieder Unselt
Canon C300 MK3 (2K S16) + Angenieux 5,9mm / 9,5-57mm / 12-120mm
Canon C300 MK3 (2K S16) + Angenieux 5,9mm / 9,5-57mm / 12-120mm
1st assistant cameraAnni Wöllner
Costume designer (creator)Jane Saks
DirectorLucas Liskowski
1st AD (local system)Felix Hertneck
EditorTaddeo Roelofs
GafferSebastian Trübner
7 DT
7 DT
Lighting technician / electricianHelena Köppen
Makeup artist / hair stylistBarbara Stickler
Production designerLara Scheuermann
ScreenwriterLucas Liskowski
ScreenwriterKatrin Katz Köbbert
Production sound mixerFabio Röpe