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TV Series | Episodes 46-58 | 2023-2024 | ARD [de], WDR [de] | Comedy, Whodunit | Germany

Shooting data

Start of shooting06/03/2023
End of shooting08/11/2023
LocationsKöln und Umgebung
Filming regionsGermany - North Rhine-Westphalia

Project data

Episodes from/to46-58



ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
Katharina WackernagelMarie Gabler [SS]
Sebastian SchwarzHeino Fuß [SS]
Eva BühnenJennifer Dickel [SS]
Stefko HanushevskyMarvin Hartwigsen [LE]
Katja LiebingEvi Schmadalla [LE]
Romario OliverosStavros [LE]
Katharina HintzenDaja [LE]
Marie BurchardSusanne Kurz [LE]
Leonie WesselowMichelle [LE]
Rebekka Wurst
Vivien Wittlich [LE]
Sebastian WeissKai Appel [LE]
Petra Kalkutschke
Gerlinde Rech [LE]
Petra Kleinert
Heike Schäffer [SSR]
Michael HanemannHans Zielonka [SSR]
Kai SchumannGisbert Cremer [SSR]
Cem Ali GültekinMehmet Özdenizmen [SSR]
Felix VörtlerArthur Brandt [SSR]
Julia SchmittLydia Aubach [SSR]
Michael WittenbornPaul Schönfelder [SSR]
Johannes RotterPfarrer Puttermann [SSR]
Friederike FrerichsMrs. Runkelbach [SSR]
Bennik GehringOtti [SSR]
Marta Sroka
Barisa Minkova [SSR]
Otto Emil KochMats [SSR]
Thomas Krutmann
Shepherd Georg Kappes [SSR]
Cara VondeyLeonie [SSR]
Merle Wasmuth
Rosi Gabler [SSR]
Franziska BenzTamara Reinhard [SR]
Denis 'Marshall' ÖlmezHanno Strauch [SR]
Cedric SprickMarkus Hammer [SR]
Fabian BaeckerVolker Bierdorf [SR]
Peter FieselerKlaus [SR]
Michael SchäferDr. Kraft [SR]
Dirk OssigPatrick Enzen [SR]
Meriel Hinsching
Tina Nimsgern [SR]
Caroline JunghannsRenate Himmelmann [SR]
Johanna GastdorfGisela Rösler [SR]
Patrick Balaraj YogarajanRagulan [SR]
Nico VenjacobBranch manager Otte [SR]
Tyrese BukenyaMax Konietzka [SRE]
Prashath LokeswaranSevaka [SRE]
Ela PaulFrau Peschel [SRE]
Birte SchreinSumsebrumm [SRE]
Claude Albert HeinrichHanno Kronenberg [SRE]
Paul HeimelTorben Pütz [SRE]
Leon SeidelRobert Righty Lennartz [SRE]
Antje MairichSabine Keitel [SRE]
Svenja HermuthIrene Kübel [SRE]
Andi GiesserBodo Reinmöller [SRE]
Dagmar OperskalskiGreta [BP]


Production accountantAriane Schneiders
komplette Staffel
komplette Staffel
Director of photographyPaul Pieck
Alexa Mini, Cooke S4, Episodes 1-8
Alexa Mini, Cooke S4, Episodes 1-8
Director of photographyBrendan Uffelmann
3. Block
3. Block
Camera operatorStefanie Gartmann
3. Block, B-Cam
3. Block, B-Cam
Camera operatorRupert Scheele
B-Cam & 2nd Unit Block 1
B-Cam & 2nd Unit Block 1
Additional photographyBrendan Uffelmann
2. Block
2. Block
Additional photographyBerta Valin Escofet
Drone camera operatorStefanie Gartmann
Drone camera operatorRupert Scheele
1st assistant cameraKai Stichel
1st assistant cameraLeo Sikstel
B-Cam, Block 2 / A-Cam, Block 3
B-Cam, Block 2 / A-Cam, Block 3
1st assistant cameraOliver Baune
1st assistant cameraKirsten Eschmann
B-Cam - Block 3
B-Cam - Block 3
2nd assistant cameraKatharina Siegl
70 DT Block 1&2
70 DT Block 1&2
2nd assistant cameraHaakon Münch
3. Block
3. Block
2nd assistant cameraLukas Kleimt
4 DT Vertretung
4 DT Vertretung
2nd assistant cameraLaure Derbécourt
2nd assistant cameraDustin Rasimowicz
8 DT
8 DT
Video assist/playback operatorSophia Strauch
Video assist/playback operatorKlaus Himann
Block 1&2
Block 1&2
Still photographerFrank Dicks
Still photographerGuido Engels
1 DT Representation
1 DT Representation
Casting directorSabine Schwedhelm
Costume designerMeike Stangier
Assistant costume designerLena Fischer
Costumer / wardrobeRadha Freudemann
Costumer / wardrobeNatalie Winkel
Costumer / wardrobeSabrina Köhler
Block 1,2 & 3
Block 1,2 & 3
Costumer / wardrobeNicola Damerow
Additional costumersMaría Pozos
DirectorMarkus Sehr
DirectorFelix Stienz
Ep. 09-13
Ep. 09-13
DirectorOliver Schmitz
1st AD (local system)Werner Gerhards
8 Folgen (Regie Markus Sehr, Oliver Schmitz, Felix Stienz)
8 Folgen (Regie Markus Sehr, Oliver Schmitz, Felix Stienz)
1st AD (local system)Inga Nerlich
2nd AD (local system)Lucie Westerholt
Script supervisorNicole Sahsnowsky
Folgen 1-13, Regie Markus Sehr, Oliver Schmitz, Felix Stienz
Folgen 1-13, Regie Markus Sehr, Oliver Schmitz, Felix Stienz
Actor coach (children)Simone Heinrich [1]
Vorbereitung Rolle Hanno
Vorbereitung Rolle Hanno
EditorStefen Rocker
EditorGünter Schultens
EditorMartin Mayntz
Block 3
Block 3
EditorJeannine Compère
Assistant editorSylvie Zoller
all episodes season 5
all episodes season 5
Key gripPeter Wald
1.& 2. Block
1.& 2. Block
Key gripSascha Ossendorf
Block 3
Block 3
GripFelix Hartmann
GripHenry Wiese
Block 3
Block 3
GripMatthias Schöning
GafferJürgen Tomadini
GafferCan Köprülü
Block 3 Vertretung
Block 3 Vertretung
GafferFabian Zenker
Best boy electricMartin Wysmyk
Block 2 / 4 Folgen
Block 2 / 4 Folgen
Best boy electricChristian Goerges
Lighting technician / electricianTill Pallapies
3. Block
3. Block
Lighting technician / electricianSabrina Carli
25 DT
25 DT
Lighting technician / electricianDirk Henkel
Additional electricianOliver Noell
Additional electricianManuel Schildknecht
Lighting assistantChristoph Janetzko [1]
Lighting assistantFine Gumpert
Lighting assistantLilli Scholz
Lighting assistantLouis Frint
Lighting assistantMichael Mayr [1]
Makeup artist / hair stylistNicole Skaletz
Makeup artist / hair stylistSilvie Weinrowsky
Makeup artist / hair stylistJohannes Schmager
ComposerAndreas Schilling
ProducerJakob Claussen
ProducerUli Putz
ProducerThomas Klimmer
ProducerAmelie Syberberg
Assistant-/ junior-producerKatharina Ibscher
Production designerFrank Prümmer
Production designerTim Keller
Assistant production designerJohanna Schroers
Block 3
Block 3
Assistant production designerTim Keller
Block 1-2
Block 1-2
Art department assistantHannah Loibl
Block 3
Block 3
Prop masterHolger Köppen
Block 3
Block 3
Prop masterVladimir Ovsepyan
Block 1 und 2
Block 1 und 2
Assistant to propmaster /- buyerFriederike Mertes
Block 1 + 2
Block 1 + 2
Assistant to propmaster /- buyerBettina Breitenborn
Standby propsDiana Strehlau
Standby propsEsra Tamkoc
Standby propsLücie Prohaska
Folge 504-507
Folge 504-507
Standby propsLarissa Theiss
Assistant stand by propsNathalie Radermacher
Assistant stand by propsMareike Kull
Location scoutClaudia Stock
Property driverOffer Stock
Property driverNorbert Fuhrmann
Line producerJens Oberwetter
Line production coordinatorNadine Schnappinger
& Postproduktion
& Postproduktion
Assistant to line producerAlexa Haag
+ Koordination Postproduktion
+ Koordination Postproduktion
Production managerHendrik Lam
Folgen 1-13
Folgen 1-13
Production coordinatorChristian Pesch
komplette Staffel
komplette Staffel
Assistant production managerNick Schneider [1]
Unit manager (local system)Daniel Illigens
1. Block
1. Block
Unit manager (local system)Saskia Römmelt
2 Wochen Vertretung
2 Wochen Vertretung
Unit manager (local system)Nathalie Cloidt
2. Block
2. Block
Unit manager (local system)Katrin Melzer
Location manager (local system)Deniz Altug
1. Block
1. Block
Location manager (local system)Maria Ansel
2. Block
2. Block
Location manager (local system)Saskia Römmelt
Block 3
Block 3
Assistant location managerNoreen Erkardas
Assistant location managerGordian Loomans
Block 1
Block 1
Assistant set/floor managerFabian Best
Block 3 / Staffel 5
Block 3 / Staffel 5
Assistant set/floor managerKatrin Lebek
2. Block
2. Block
Assistant set/floor managerAlice Ressel
1. Block
1. Block
Production driverJens Wegmann
Production driverNils Warmelink
Production driverRalf Wittenberger
Various crew trips - Crew Shuttle
Various crew trips - Crew Shuttle
Production driverIke Udogwu
Set runnerTill Lindner
Set runnerFranziska Schmid [1]
Head writerJohannes Rotter
Assistant to head writerIvana Filipic
ScreenwriterAntonia Rothe-Liermann
ScreenwriterFrederick Schofield
ScreenwriterMartin Ritzenhoff
ScreenwriterTanja Bubbel
ScreenwriterMartin Dolejs
ScreenwriterChristine Heinlein
Production sound mixerConstantin Bömers
Block 1 & 2
Block 1 & 2
Production sound mixerMarko Vinokic
Block 3
Block 3
Production sound mixerRobert Keilbar
1DT 2nd Unit
1DT 2nd Unit
Production sound mixerRené Nicklaus
1 DT Vertretung
1 DT Vertretung
Boom operatorOliver Skrotzki
Ton* Constantin Bömers, 35 DT
Ton* Constantin Bömers, 35 DT
Boom operatorJean Malte Brühl
Block 3
Block 3
Boom operatorNicolas Sturmberg
2. Block
2. Block
Boom operatorMarcus Nitschke
Zusatz Block 3
Zusatz Block 3
Sound re-recording mixerThomas Supke
Foley artistMax Rex
Stunt coordinatorTeresa Henn
Horse trainerJoachim Fetten
Für Filmpferde.com
Für Filmpferde.com
Commissioning editor in chargeAlexander Bickel
Commissioning editorElke Kimmlinger
Commissioning editorKarin Laub
ConsultantJudith Jaeger
med. Fachberatung, 5. Staffel
med. Fachberatung, 5. Staffel
Intimacy coordinatorFlorian Federl


GripStefan Visse-Hövels Fahraufnahmen
Trailer, Golfcart
Trailer, Golfcart
Animals for FilmSteffis Filmtiere
Hund daisy
Hund daisy
Extras/Bit PlayerAgentur Eick & Weber
Horse Master
Horse Master
Finance/Law/Insuranceadag Payroll Services GmbH
Komparsenabrechnung (digitaler Arbeitsvertrag)
Komparsenabrechnung (digitaler Arbeitsvertrag)
Production ServicesBPS Dienstleistungen und Services GmbH
Production ServicesDas Filmcatering
Production ServicesDas Filmcatering
Production ServicesFire and Rescue Service GmbH & Co. KG
Production ServicesFire and Rescue Service GmbH & Co. KG
Inkl. Rettungswagen und Fachkomparsen
Inkl. Rettungswagen und Fachkomparsen
Production ServicesGreta Catering GmbH & Co. KG
Production ServicesJOLA-Rent
Küchenanhänger mit Vollausstattung und Kaffeemaschine
Küchenanhänger mit Vollausstattung und Kaffeemaschine
Production ServicesJOLA-Rent
kompletter Basisfuhrpark inkl. Fahrdienstleistung / Maske, Garderobe, diverse Schauspieleraufenthalte, WCs, Setsprinter inkl. Material, Zelte, Maskenspiegel,
kompletter Basisfuhrpark inkl. Fahrdienstleistung / Maske, Garderobe, diverse Schauspieleraufenthalte, WCs, Setsprinter inkl. Material, Zelte, Maskenspiegel,
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationCrew Shuttle Cologne [de]
div. crew/cast shuttle services
div. crew/cast shuttle services
CostumesFTA Film- und Theater-Ausstattung GmbH
CostumesPropCop Effects & Filmproduktion
Police Uniforms
Police Uniforms
CostumesTheaterkunst GmbH Kostümausstattung
KB - Meike Stangier
KB - Meike Stangier
PropsFTA Film- und Theater-Ausstattung GmbH
WEBSHOP Artikel / Grafikdesign / Drucke
WEBSHOP Artikel / Grafikdesign / Drucke
Special EffectsPRODUCTION CONCEPT Service GmbH
Vehicles and aircraftsFilmauto Markus Zimmermann und Vincent Luxen
Fimautos mit und ohne Betreuung
Fimautos mit und ohne Betreuung
Vehicles and aircraftsMannis-Filmfahrzeuge (aka. Mannis-Garage)
Play vehicles including set support
Play vehicles including set support
Vehicles and aircraftsSetlounge GmbH
Wasser Logistik,Aufenthalt
Wasser Logistik,Aufenthalt
Sound (Postproduction)Toruspost
SD Mirko Reinhard, Mix Thomas Supke und Falk Möller
SD Mirko Reinhard, Mix Thomas Supke und Falk Möller