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    Films listed with Crew United

    YearTitleGenreRoleSpoken by
    2016BMW - WBT. Right First Time
    Kellner [L]
    Corporate FilmKellner [L]
    2013Die Einsamkeit des Killers vor dem Schuss
    Van Migroet [SR]
    Feature FilmVan Migroet [SR]
    Pilot [SR]
    Feature FilmPilot [SR]
    2012Catch the Clown
    Ronald [L]
    Short FilmRonald [L]
    2009Pathfinder Studios - Lost Kingdom (fiktionale Beispielszenen)
    Professor Zartos [SR]
    Corporate FilmProfessor Zartos [SR]
    2006Arm Dran
    Der Armlose [SR]
    Short FilmDer Armlose [SR]
    2005Wir haben Angst
    Kindergärtner [L]
    Short FilmKindergärtner [L]
    2003Inside out (WT)
    Ben [L]
    Short FilmBen [L]