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    Films listed with Crew United

    2014Secret Wine (WT)Web Magazineproducer
    2013Fische (WT)Short Filmline producer
    2013Fische (WT)Short Filmproducer
    2013Deine Jugend - SerotoninMusic Videoset manager/ floor manager
    2012Orph - the King's GardenMusic Videoproducer
    2012Orph - the King's GardenMusic Videobest boy electric
    2012Deutscher Turner Bund - 4 Minuten Olympia (4 Clips)Commercialassistant to composer
    2012Deutscher Turner Bund - 4 Minuten Olympia (4 Clips)Commercialunit manager (local system)
    2012Deutscher Turner Bund - 4 Minuten Olympia (4 Clips)Commercialco-director
    2011Schilf - Alles, was denkbar ist, existiertFeature Filmproduction driver