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    Films listed with Crew United

    2025Neues Land (WT)TV Movie, ZDF [de]director of photography
    2024Der Kommissar und der See - Das fremde Kind (WT)TV-Movie (Series), ORF [at], ZDF [de]director of photography
    2024Wüstenrot - 100 Jahre (WT)Commercialdirector of photography
    2023Ohne jede Spur - Der Fall Nathalie B.TV Movie, ARD [de], Degeto [de], ORF [at]director of photography
    2022Persona Non GrataFeature Filmdirector of photography
    2022BiesterTV Series, ORF [at]director of photography
    2021Sky Österreich - Gangster. Drück lieber den richtigen KnopfCommercialdirector of photography
    2021Schrille NachtTV Movie, arte, ORF [at]director of photography
    2021First Snow of SummerFeature Filmdirector of photography
    2021ZDF - Markus Lanz 2021Station IDdirector of photography
    2021ZDF - Die Giovanni Zarrella Show (WT)Station IDdirector of photography
    2020Seine TochterTrailerdirector of photography
    2020ZDF Station ID - Kristina VogelStation IDdirector of photography
    2019Fox in a HoleFeature Filmdirector of photography
    2019ZDF - RedaktionsvolontariatRecruiting-Videodirector of photography
    2018Henkel Somat - Misunderstanding (WT)Commercialdirector of photography
    2017Somat - Burnt InCommercialdirector of photography
    2017Rügenwalder - Vegetarische Pommersche. Neue Mühlen PostCommercialdirector of photography
    2017Pearle Optik - Pearle macht meine Brille (4 Spots)Commercialdirector of photography
    2016Die MigrantigenFeature Filmdirector of photography