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EN / DE / FR / PL / ΕΛ / ES / IT / LT / RO
  • Production Company
  • documentary production

    Movies as production

    2025You Shall Not Make an Image (WT)Feature FilmKaouther Ben Hania
    2025Der RegenwettermannFeature FilmAndreas Goldstein
    2024Tu ne feras point d’image / Mimesis – Du sollst dir kein Bildnis machen (WT)Feature FilmKaouther Ben Hania
    2024The Loom (WT)DocumentaryMultiple
    2024Ona / She (WT)Feature FilmAgnieszka Zwiefka
    2023Die Abenteuer der Lausitzerin Wilma (WT)Feature FilmMaren-Kea Freese
    2023White Snail (aka Der grüne Wellensittich / The Green Parrot) (WT)Feature FilmMultiple
    2022AnxietyFeature FilmSławomir Fabicki
    2022Natasha's DanceFeature FilmJos Stelling
    2022The Universal TheoryFeature FilmTimm Kröger
    2021Neue Boote, leere NetzeDocumentary, ZDF [de]Barmmy Boy
    2021RispetIndependent Feature FilmCecilia Bozza Wolf
    Feature FilmOleh Sentsovco-production
    2021The River Is Not a BorderDocumentaryAlassane Diago
    2019Heavens Above
    Feature FilmSrdjan Dragojevićcoproduction
    2019Nr. 10Feature FilmAlex van Warmerdam
    2018DonbassFeature FilmSergei Loznitsa
    2018Adam & EvelynFeature FilmAndreas Goldstein
    2016Hotel de Grote LFeature FilmIneke Houtman
    2014My good HansIndependent Feature FilmAleksandr Mindadze

    Movies as distributor

    Germany (theatrical) 2022
    Feature FilmOleh SentsovGermany (theatrical) 2022

    Company data

    Date of company foundation1991
    Immediate working areaHead office: Leipzig