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MadS (direct-to-VoD)

  • MadS (aka MalS) (Working title)
All titles (5)
Independent Feature Film | 2023-2024 | Horror | France

Shooting data

Number of shooting days5
Filming regionsFrance - Grand Est

Project data

Length of movie88 min

Brief synopsis

July 28th 2023. 9.12pm. One single shot.

Romain (18) makes a stop at his dealer’s place, tries a new pill and is ready to go party. He sees an injured woman on the side of the road. As she gets in his car, silent and looking odd, she starts to behave very scarily until smashing her own head against the dashboard, bleeding out until she dies.

Is it a bad trip ? Or is it something else ? One thing is for sure, it’s only the beginning of the night.


ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
Lucille GuillaumeJulia [L]
Laurie PavyAnaïs [L]
Milton RicheRomain [L]
Yovel LewkowskiNoa [SR]


AD PAUlysse Di Giuseppantonio
Post production supervisorAlexandre Isidoro
ColoristFabien Pascal
Director of photographyPhilip Lozano
1st assistant cameraMichel Galtier
DIT digital imaging technicianJimmy Christophe
Casting directorAudrey Gini
Costume designerFred Cambier
DirectorDavid Moreau
Key gripFrançois-Xavier Walter
GripThéo Benavides-Nail
GripToane Tabary
GripDamien Lemercier
Fx makeup artistJérémy Ramos
Workshop technician during preparation, SFX make-up assistant on set.
Workshop technician during preparation, SFX make-up assistant on set.
Fx makeup artistAntoine Boyer
sculptor for implants prosthetics and fake belly with bullets wounds
sculptor for implants prosthetics and fake belly with bullets wounds
Fx makeup artistDaniel Weimer
Production and fitting of bullet wounds and other silicone wounds, creation of a false body
Production and fitting of bullet wounds and other silicone wounds, creation of a false body
ComposerNathaniel Méchaly
ProducerMarlene Wale
ProducerYohan Baiada
Co-producerDavid Danesi
Production designerRabeir Ourak
Production managerPierre-Alexandre Léonard
Production assistantSimon Bracquemart
Production assistantAurélien Broucke
Prépa uniquement
Prépa uniquement
ScreenwriterDavid Moreau
Production sound mixerGautier Isern
Sound re-recording mixerMarco Casanova
Sound editorGermain Boulay
Foley artistAntonin Dalmasso

Distribution / Sales companies

Pulsar Content [fr]
Shudder [us]
Rights North America, UK, Ireland, Australia & New Zealand
Rights North America, UK, Ireland, Australia & New Zealand


Production SupportAgence d'attractivité Mulhouse Sud Alsace - Mission Cinéma
Production SupportBureau des Images Grand Est
Makeup and HairAccurate Dream
Special effects make-up + on-set application
Special effects make-up + on-set application


2024SpainSitges Int. Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia
2024USAFantastic Fest


TypeCountryStationDate / TimeComment
First showingUSAShudder [us]Friday, 18/10/2024Worldwide

Cinema releases and premieres

PremiereSaturday, 21/09/2024Fantastic Fest [us]