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EN / DE / FR / PL / ΕΛ / ES / IT / LT / RO

    Films listed with Crew United

    2023How to Become a Monster in 90 DaysDocumentary Seriessound re-recording mixer
    2023In The Rose GardenFeature Filmsecond boom operator
    2023Die Mietwäsche - Saubere LeistungCommercialproduction sound mixer
    2020Ebbe & FlutShort Filmboom operator
    2020Duplik Jonas 7 (NOT COMPLETED) (WT)Medium Length Filmproduction sound mixer
    2019Nur zu BesuchShort Filmproduction sound mixer
    2019GenuineShort Filmboom operator
    2019Out of JointShort Filmfoley assistant
    2019ArbeitsprobeShort Filmboom operator
    2019WohinShort Filmboom operator
    2019Slay QueenMedium Length Filmproduction sound mixer
    2018JamilShort Filmproduction sound mixer
    2017LiebesstreifenShort Filmsecond boom operator
    2017Bitte benehmt euchShort Filmsound designer
    2017Bitte benehmt euchShort Filmproduction sound mixer