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Feature Film | 2011-2012 | Drama | Germany

Shooting data

Start of shooting18/04/2011
End of shooting26/05/2011
Filming regionsWest Germany

Project data



ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
Paul FalkMartin [L]
Ann-Kathrin KramerJulia Corner [L]
Jimi Blue OchsenknechtViktor Gumm [L]
Udo SchenkHauptkommissar Schaller [L]
Olaf Andreas KrätkeValentin [L]
Uwe OchsenknechtRichter Brinkhoff [L]
Peter Stephan Herff
Kommissar Maran [SR]
Moritz KlausFitti [SR]
Andreas Joachim HertelStefan Vierst [SR]
Adnan G. KösePsychiater Dr. Seelig [SR]
August Carterk.A. [SR]
Thorsten IppendorfPolizist mit Spürhund [SR]
Etosha SkaletzTochter Julia Corner [SR]
Antonia BergmanJournalistin [BP]
Arne KahlenJournalist [BP]
Maurizio MagnoJunge
Vanessa RadmanDemonstrantin
Ali MurtazaJournalist


Production controllerGernot Valendzik
/ Executive Producer
/ Executive Producer
Production accountantKerstin Dick
Postproduction producerMarko Krinke
HD Producer
HD Producer
Director of photographyJames Jacobs
Eng cameraSven Duscha
Making Of - SONY PMW-EX3
Making Of - SONY PMW-EX3
Camera operatorChristine Wagner
B-Camera Operator
B-Camera Operator
Drone camera operatorWolf Schiebel
Steadicam operatorThomas Frischhut
Steadicam operatorMartin Lippert
1st assistant cameraDaniel Grendel
B Cam
B Cam
1st assistant cameraTony Hofmann
A Kamera
A Kamera
1st assistant cameraPhilipp Chudalla
2nd assistant cameraLeif Neumann
Still photographerKerstin Stelter
Costume designerVerena Reuter-Züll
Assistant costume designerVanessa Horsmann
Costumer / wardrobeFranziska Lange
DirectorAdnan G. Köse
1st AD (local system)Katja Promeß
2nd AD (local system)Alexandra Hajok
Script supervisorClaudia Nandini Adhikary
Trainee director's departmentAnne Kunze M.A.
vor Drehbeginn Prod.praktikant
vor Drehbeginn Prod.praktikant
EditorManuel Reidinger
Assistant editorChristina Bauer
Key gripKim Mikkelsen
GripSascha Ossendorf
GafferMarkus Thiermeyer
Lighting technician / electricianChristian Wunderlich
Lighting technician / electricianRoland Raffelsberger
Makeup artist / hair stylistIsabell Falkenberg
Makeup artist / hair stylistNicole Skaletz
Additional make up artistIsabella-Sophie Beyer
ComposerPhilipp Fabian Kölmel
ProducerNeslihan Duy
ProducerEyyüphan Duy
ProducerAdnan G. Köse
Co-producerAlexander von Glenck
Production designerHelen Koch
+ graphic artist
+ graphic artist
Set decoratorStefan Diening
Art department assistantJakob Polhammer
Standby propsNadine Naumovic
Location scoutRüdiger Jordan
Zusatzrecherche Villa
Zusatzrecherche Villa
Location scoutThorsten Ippendorf
Location scoutMichael Bauers
Set builderWolfgang Kleber
Property driverThomas Schmidt
Production coordinatorCorinna Mackowiak
Unit manager (local system)Christian Keller
+ Motive (Ruhrgebiet)
+ Motive (Ruhrgebiet)
Location manager (local system)Marc Nolden
Location manager (local system)Udo Meredig
Set manager/ floor managerMario Striehn
Assistant set/floor managerMarc Nolden
Motiv-AL in der Vorbereitung
Motiv-AL in der Vorbereitung
Production driverCarsten Baum
Uwe Ochsenknecht
Uwe Ochsenknecht
Production driverHorst Wichert
Set runnerSimon Schubert
Set runnerRobin Ritter
vor Drehbeginn Regiepraktikant
vor Drehbeginn Regiepraktikant
ScreenwriterAdnan G. Köse
Production sound mixerMichael Bartylak
Boom operatorAttila Makai
Stunt coordinatorErnst Reimann
Stuntman/womanSefa Demirbas
Stuntman/womanVi-Dan Tran
Action Actor / Fight choreo
Action Actor / Fight choreo
Stuntman/womanChristian Hebenstreit
Stuntman/womanTanja Pelster
Caterer (assistance on set)Hermann Koenen

Production companies

SteelWorX Film Production GmbH

Distribution / Sales companies

Studiocanal GmbH


GripMaier Bros. GmbH
StuntsReimann-Stunts Alpen
Lighting and UtilitiesMaier Bros. GmbH
Production ServicesFilm & Sicherheitsservice Andermann
Production ServicesFilmobil
Maskenmobil, Garderobenmobil
Maskenmobil, Garderobenmobil
Production ServicesFilmservice Andermann
HVZ & Blocker & LKW-Umsetzung
HVZ & Blocker & LKW-Umsetzung
Production ServicesHermann Koenen Party- und Catering-Service
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationCMS - Car Motion Service GmbH
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationFrank H. Scheller
Vehicles and aircraftsFilmauto Markus Zimmermann und Vincent Luxen
Vehicles and aircraftsMarkus Geschwandtner (formerly AWG Oldtimer GmbH)
Equipmentwollywood Filmton
Sound (Postproduction)RuhrSoundStudios GmbH
Sound Services
Sound Services

Cinema releases and premieres

Theatre releaseGermanyThursday, 20/09/2012