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Thumbnail "Wieder Alleine" | ©Arthur Wiechmann
©Arthur Wiechmann
Music Video | 2023 | Germany


ColoristArthur Wiechmann
Director of photographyArthur Wiechmann
1st assistant cameraMarc Bach
DirectorSteve Windels
Rigging gripTheodor Späthe
U-Crane operatorTheodor Späthe
GafferDaniel Helgert
Lighting assistantTibo Schüler
Lighting assistantStina Martius
Lighting assistantPelle Fischer
Executive producerArthur Wiechmann
Executive producerTheodor Späthe
Set decoration coordinatorPelle Fischer
Standby propsPelle Fischer
EPK / behind the scenes producerLennart Westphal

Production companies

BlueHills Productions [de]