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Holger Hage, 1st AD, 1st AD (local system), director, Cologne
  • 1st AD
  • 1st AD (local system)
  • director
Born 1971 (53 Years)


Mobile+49 177 3297587

    About Holger Hage

    A 1st AD with the knowledge of the big picture and the details of nearly every part of the production. A strong communicator, encouraging peers to push through all obstacles to achieve the goals. Impelled by strong curiosity and the desire to give things value and purpose.

    Production Specialist, with 25 years experience in the whole process of filmmaking including development, packaging, financing, production and sales. Handling productions from ultra-low to high budget sizes. Working around the globe.

    International Producer, of feature films, documentaries, TV-series, commercials and music clips for a variety of production companies, advertising agencies and major music labels.

    Director with focus on commercials and 2nd unit/action director for feature films.

    Known for

    Fictional movies as 1st AD

    2024Der Galicien-Krimi - Die Tote vom Jakobsweg (WT)TV Movie, ARD [de], Degeto [de]Adolfo J. KolmererTurbine Studios GmbH
    2022Herrhausen - The Banker and the Bomb
    Limited series, ARD [de], Degeto [de], HR [de], rbb [de], SWR [de]Pia StrietmannSperl Film + Fernsehproduktion GmbH [de]add.
    Prep Kazakhstan
    TV Series, Apple TV+Michelle MacLarenTurbine Studios GmbHPrep Kazakhstan
    2020Blood Red SkyFeature Film, NetflixPeter ThorwarthRat Pack Filmproduktion GmbH [de]
    2016Out Of ControlFeature FilmAxel SandAction Concept GmbH

    Advertising/Image/Music videos as 1st AD (local system)

    2021Allianz - KFZ-Kampagne 2021 (mehrere Spots) (WT)CommercialMartin HaerlinThe Beauty Aside GmbH
    2019FC Bayern München - All 4 OneCommercialPhilipp StölzlTwinFilm GmbH [de]
    2017Somat - Burnt InCommercialMarkus Stummernew.id filmproduktion gmbh
    2017Feldschlösschen Alkoholfrei - Voller Geschmack ohne AlkohoCommercialBenjamin BrettschneiderMarkenfilm Schweiz AG [ch]
    2016Electrolux - Wendy HoldenerCommercialStephan UsteriMarkenfilm Schweiz AG [ch]
    2016Turkcell Europe - KochenCommercialSinan Akkusnew.id filmproduktion gmbh
    2015Bud Light - Sueno AmericanoCommercialNikolas KasakoffNunchaku [us]
    2015Netcologne - Ganz großes KinoCommercialDino Fetzernew.id filmproduktion gmbh
    2015Real - Weihnachten. Nur ein KlickCommercialDennis GanselBerlin - Loc. Production & Services GmbH [de]
    2015Wernli - Raststätte, Nachbar, Spielplatz (WT)CommercialKim JacobsenMarkenfilm Schweiz AG [ch]
    2015Evonik - BVB AutokorsoCommercialPeter ThorwarthMarkenfilm GmbH & Co. KG
    2015Allianz - Alles gebenCommercialIsa PrahlThe Beauty Aside GmbH
    2015DB Nahverkehr NRW - Pendler und andere Helden
    erste Folgen
    Corporate SeriesPeter ThorwarthFilm Deluxe GmbHerste Folgen
    2015Allianz Unfallversicherung - BananeCommercialIsa PrahlThe Beauty Aside GmbH
    2014Sparhandy - Ich brenne für ...CommercialPeter Thorwartheitelsonnenschein GmbH
    2014Sky Go - Fanta 4 (4 Spots)CommercialPeter ThorwarthBerlin - Loc. Production & Services GmbH [de]
    2014Sky - SkyGo. Klopp vs. BeckenbauerCommercialPeter ThorwarthBerlin - Loc. Production & Services GmbH [de]
    2013Audi Quattro - ChallengesCommercialDavid TindaleHelliVentures Filmproduktion
    2013Oral-B / blend-a-med 3D - Sensitiv und sanftes Weiss / TiefenreinigungCommercialPeter ThorwarthBerlin - Loc. Production & Services GmbH [de]
    2012Oral-B® - Plaque-TunnelCommercialPeter ThorwarthTwinFilm GmbH [de]

    Advertising/Image/Music videos as director

    2022Bê Ignacio - AmazoniaMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2022Naturarena Bergisches Land GmbH - Das BergischeCorporate SeriesHolger HagePosnik Spohr GmbH [de]
    2017Audi A8 - SpidermanCommercialMultipleM4 Automotive GmbH [de]
    2016Mesh - Kill your DarlingsMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2013Generali - Best Selection (Internetfilm)CommercialHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2013Be Ignacio - Samba eMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2013Be Ignacio - SunungaMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2013Be Ignacio - Vida LoucaMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2012Tine Thing Helseth - TineCorporate FilmHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2012Yundi Li / Beethoven - Pathetique Sonata 2nd MovementMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2012Tori Amos - Gold DustMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2012Yuja Wang - FantasiaMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2012WOLF Garten - Blue Power DüngerCommercialHolger HageAction Concept GmbH
    2012WOLF Garten - BluePower RasenmäherCommercialHolger HageAction Concept GmbH
    2011Betina BE Ignacio - Rhythm of the SeaMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2011Rhurpark Bochum - TrinkhalleCommercialHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2011Anna Prohaska - Des Fischers LiebesliedMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]
    2010Deutsche Grammophon - Elīna Garanča. HabaneraCommercialHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]

    Non-fictional movies as director

    2015Käpt'n Kasi - Auf hoher SpreeDocumentary Series, History (History Channel)MultiplePropellerFilm Berlin GmbH
    2014Dream DakarDocumentary Series, Motorvision TV [de]Holger HageFTL Media Consulting GmbH

    Fictional movies in other activities

    2013Rush - Alles für den SiegFeature FilmRon HowardRush Ltd. [uk]2nd AD Re-Shoot
    2010The Forbidden GirlFeature FilmTill HastreiterEMP 1. Stereofilm Ltd.producer
    2010The Forbidden GirlFeature FilmTill HastreiterEMP 1. Stereofilm Ltd.line producer
    2008Champions (WT)Feature FilmRiccardo SignorellLichtspiele GmbH [ch]production manager
    2007The BreederFeature FilmTill HastreiterKilling Woods Ltd. & Co KGline producer u. Produkitonsleitung
    2007The BreederFeature FilmTill HastreiterKilling Woods Ltd. & Co KGproducer
    2004Die blaue GrenzeFeature FilmTill FranzenDiscofilm [de]line producer u. Produkitonsleitung
    2004Die blaue GrenzeFeature FilmTill FranzenDiscofilm [de]producer
    2002Status Yo!Feature FilmTill HastreiterDiscofilm [de]line producer u. Produkitonsleitung
    2002Status Yo!Feature FilmTill HastreiterDiscofilm [de]producer

    Advertising/Image/Music videos in other activities

    2023Allianz - Haftpflichtversicherung. Gut wenn's gut gehtCommercialMultipleThe Beauty Aside GmbHproducer
    2023Allianz - We togetherCommercialSven PohlThe Beauty Aside GmbHproducer
    2022Allianz - Update. KFZ 2022CommercialArun TammThe Beauty Aside GmbHproducer
    2022Bê Ignacio - AmazoniaMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]director of photography
    2022Allianz - Jeder zähltCommercialJan StollbergThe Beauty Aside GmbHproducer
    2018Thermacare - Jenke von WilmsdorffCommercialLinus Ewersnew.id filmproduktion gmbhproducer
    2016Axa - Sicher durch den Winter (Webfilm)CommercialNoël DerneschMarkenfilm Schweiz AG [ch]line producer
    2015Netcologne - Ganz großes KinoCommercialDino Fetzernew.id filmproduktion gmbhproducer
    2015Allianz - #TiteltraumCommercialSönke WortmannThe Beauty Aside GmbHproducer
    2015Allianz - Alles gebenCommercialIsa PrahlThe Beauty Aside GmbHproducer
    2015Allianz Unfallversicherung - BananeCommercialIsa PrahlThe Beauty Aside GmbHproducer
    2015swisscom - LeitbildCommercialRiccardo SignorellSignorellfilms GmbH [ch]line producer
    2014Allianz - Cacaus SprachschuleCommercialIsa PrahlThe Beauty Aside GmbHproducer
    2012Tori Amos - Gold DustMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]director of photography
    2011Betina BE Ignacio - Rhythm of the SeaMusic VideoHolger HageHolger Hage Film Production [de]director of photography
    2002Stadt Köln - Eine Stadt hat viele GesichterCorporate FilmTill FranzenDiscofilm [de]producer
    2002Yamaha - Home EntertainmentCommercialTill HastreiterDiscofilm [de]producer
    2001D2 Vodafone - GeschaeftspartnerCommercialVeit HelmerCaspari Film GmbH [de]producer
    2001D2 Vodafone - Der Tarif hältCommercialVeit HelmerCaspari Film GmbH [de]producer
    2000Merkur - SpielothekCommercialOlavi HäkkinenCaspari Film GmbH [de]producer

    Non-fictional movies in other activities

    2024MafiajägerDocumentary Series, arteMultiplebeetz brothers film productionservice producer
    2004The Big SelloutDocumentary FeatureFlorian OpitzDiscofilm [de]producer

    Basic data

    Experience abroadCentral Europe: Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Switzerland
    North Africa: Morocco, Tunisia
    North America: Canada, Mexico, USA
    Northern Europe: Denmark, Norway, Sweden
    East Asia: Hong Kong, Macau
    Eastern Europe: Russia
    South Africa: South Africa
    South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile
    Southern Europe: Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Italy, Portugal, Spain
    Southeastern Europe: Romania
    West Asia: Georgia
    Western Europe: England, France, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom
    Central Asia: Kazakhstan
    Special skills- 2nd Unit director
    - camera/DP
    - working in international structures
    - editing
    Own equipmentScheduling:
    - MovieMagic
    - Fuzzlecheck
    - Sesam
    - DaVinci Resolve
    - Adobe Suite
    Camera equipment:
    - Sony Alpha 7s III package
    - Canon 5D Mark IV
    Immediate working areaCologne
    1st residence (federal state or country)Germany - North Rhine-Westphalia
    Accommodation possibilitiesBerlin, Hamburg, Hongkong, Konstanz, Mexico-City, Munich, New York, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Tbilissi