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Limited series | Episodes 1-6 | 2021-2022 | RTL+ [de], TVNOW [de] | Comedy, Society | Germany



Press images


ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
Lisa Maria PotthoffHannah Arndt [SS]
Antje TraueElisabeth von Lynden [SS]
Felicitas WollAnnabelle Bernbauer [SS]
Heike MakatschMaria Schreiber [SS]
Heiner LauterbachNikolaus van der Bruck [SS]
Jeanette HainHelene van der Bruck [SS]
Trystan PütterAlf Bernbauer [SS]
Lukas SpisserHubertus von Lynden [SS]
Francis Fulton-SmithFranz Dorn [GS]
Patricia RiekelReporter [GS]
Tim SeyfiEddy Welbert [SSR]
Michael KlammerOmar [SSR]
Sabrina AmaliFatima [SSR]
Katrin Filzen
Legend [SSR]
Riccardo AngeliniRoman [SSR]
Marlon Barth
Casimir [SSR]
Alexander Kreuzer
Franko & Emilio (Doppelrolle) [SSR]
Matthias SchullanRestaurantmanager Karl [SSR]
Stefanie von PoserBetty [SSR]
Leily HosseiniFrau Reuter [SR]
Susanne Dorothea SchneiderMaklerin [SR]
Lukas NathrathThorben [SR]
Manuel BoeckerEmil Brand [SRE]
Detlef BothePfarrer [SRE]
Katja BrennerBeatrice von Steegen [SRE]
Amanda da GloriaLaura [SRE]
Claudia GrafTherapist [SRE]
Mirjam NovakHellen [SRE]
Thomas SchwendemannRémy Lansing [SRE]
Sarah Thonig
Sina [SRE]
Jakob TögelPatrick [SRE]
Antonia FulssDrogendealerin [SRE]
Monika Manz
Mechthild [SRE]
David Auer
Thomas Köhler [SRE]
David Baalcke
DR. Hans Hannawald [SRE]
Agnes DeckerJune Bennett [SRE]
Nik FeliceMönch Sampo [SRE]
Marlon HeinrichVico Welbert [SRE]
Paulina HobratschkAmelie von Lynden [SRE]
Raffaela KrausEmily Pabst [SRE]
Suzanne LandsfriedBardame Doreen [SRE]
Marcus MorlinghausRainer Schmitz [SRE]
Vanessa EichholzAlexandra Rosenberg [SRE]
Sandro Di Stefano
Flavio Savodelli [BP]
Felicitas FranzKonstanze Berger [BP]
Martina SchölzhornRezeptionistin [BP]
Emilian Heinrichkranker Junge [BP]
Christo KlahrSecurity [BP]
Fritz ScheuermannKriminaler Huber [BP]
Bijan ZamaniChefarzt [BP]
Christina Marie LaurentWaitress [BP]
Tommy Schwimmer
Zivilfahnder [BP]
Rebekka ReinholzAnke Stuhr [BP]
Leon BruggerPer [BP]
Sabrina DietelPro Familia Beraterin [BP]
Daniel PrussakKellner [BP]


Production accountantYvonne Kowal
until 30.09.21
until 30.09.21
Production accountantThomas Wolff
Nur Folge 6, Herbstblock Ende Okt.-Anf.Jan.22
Nur Folge 6, Herbstblock Ende Okt.-Anf.Jan.22
Post production supervisorUlrike Freyer
Post production supervisorCeline Eyrond
CinePostproduction GmbH
CinePostproduction GmbH
Digital compositor / compositing artistTom Astein
ColoristAljoscha Hoffmann
Look Development + Dailies Supervision
Look Development + Dailies Supervision
ColoristHenning Sancken
Director of photographyMartin Schlecht
Director of photographyNamche Okon
Director of photographyJan-Marcello Kahl
Camera operatorJonathan Rinn
B Cam
B Cam
Drone camera operatorNiklas Solle
Drone Cinematography // aeroCircus
Drone Cinematography // aeroCircus
Drone camera operatorChristoph Steiner
Aerial camera operatorOliver Jergis
Steadicam operatorAnian Bernrieder
whole project, approx. 35 working days
whole project, approx. 35 working days
1st assistant cameraHendrik Jansen
A Kamera und Steadicam
A Kamera und Steadicam
1st assistant cameraJohannes Müller
A Cam 12 DT (Folge 6)
A Cam 12 DT (Folge 6)
1st assistant cameraAnian Bernrieder
B-Cam, 5/6 episodes, Arri Alexa Mini, Zeiss MP
B-Cam, 5/6 episodes, Arri Alexa Mini, Zeiss MP
1st assistant cameraPascal Jäger
1st assistant cameraBilal Kulac
C- Cam
C- Cam
1st assistant cameraBoris Treffert
Alexa Mini Master Primes Folgen 4-6
Alexa Mini Master Primes Folgen 4-6
1st assistant cameraJulian Arayapong
5DT Steadicam
5DT Steadicam
1st assistant cameraLaura Gehrke
4 DT B Kam
4 DT B Kam
2nd assistant cameraTatjana Hafenbraedl
A cam
A cam
2nd assistant cameraSebastian Neubert
A-Cam 12 DT (Folge 6) Alexa Mini & MasterPrimes
A-Cam 12 DT (Folge 6) Alexa Mini & MasterPrimes
2nd assistant cameraHannah Hütter
Zusatz 2 DT
Zusatz 2 DT
2nd assistant cameraPablo Gotzes
27 DT
27 DT
2nd assistant cameraJulia Alber
A-Cam 26 DT
A-Cam 26 DT
2nd assistant cameraDunya Hosnofsky
2nd assistant cameraJannik Klingel
12 Shooting Days - B-Cam - Episode 6
12 Shooting Days - B-Cam - Episode 6
2nd assistant cameraSarah Ahmad
C-Cam 6SD (Episode 6)
C-Cam 6SD (Episode 6)
2nd assistant cameraClaudio Köhl
add. 2 SF
add. 2 SF
DIT digital imaging technicianJonas Louis Meyer
DIT digital imaging technicianEmanuel Engels
DT 1-16
DT 1-16
Data wrangler / digital loaderAnastasia Nass
12 DT Folge 6
12 DT Folge 6
Rear projection plates operatorHendrik Dyga
Rear projection plates operatorOliver Boin
Rear projection plates operatorGreta Niemann
Project manager
Project manager
Video assist/playback operatorEmma Giuliani
Video assist/playback operatorAlexandros Michalas
Still photographerOliver Oppitz
Still photographerMarc Reimann
Still photographerDavid Brugman
Casting directorStefany Pohlmann
Casting directorCassandra Han
Casting director (children)Deborah Tolkien
Casting assistantDagmar Lucke
Costume designerMonica Siviero
Junior Kostümbildnerin (Folge 1 bis 5) Kostümbildnerin (Folge 6)
Junior Kostümbildnerin (Folge 1 bis 5) Kostümbildnerin (Folge 6)
Costume designerKatja Krannich
Costume designerCoren Pollock
Co-Costume Designer
Co-Costume Designer
Assistant costume designerLaura Konrad-Heibei
Addition one week
Addition one week
Assistant costume designerVerena Graf
Crowd costume supervisorAnnette Braun
Key costumerLena Wellhöfer
Set costume/ personal H.L/ 1 Woche truck supervisor
Set costume/ personal H.L/ 1 Woche truck supervisor
Costumer / wardrobeLinda Karok
Costumer / wardrobeIna Mirimanian
Zusatz garderobiere
Zusatz garderobiere
Costumer / wardrobeRita Kröss
Italien Dreharbeiten
Italien Dreharbeiten
Costumer / wardrobeTheresa Raab
Costumer / wardrobeFabia Röhrig
Additional costumersJulia Stanglmayr
Additional costumersAntal Büki
Additional costumersMelanie Flath-Meier
Additional costumersNele Simon
Costume buyerMo Vorwerck
DirectorJochen Alexander Freydank
DirectorAnca Miruna Lazarescu
Episode 6
Episode 6
2nd unit directorJonathan Werner
2nd unit directorLukas Nathrath
1st AD (local system)Behnam Firusmand
1st AD (local system)Jonathan Werner
1st AD (local system)Hellmut Fulss
6. Folge
6. Folge
2nd AD (local system)Sophia Kretschko
2nd AD (local system)Maria Wabra
Folge 6
Folge 6
Script supervisorAlexandra Orgler
Script supervisorAlexandra Orgler
Script supervisorRoxane Neumann
Folge 6 & Nachdreh
Folge 6 & Nachdreh
Actor coach (children)Jürgen Trott
Extras coordinatorSandra Bilger
1 DT
1 DT
Trainee director's departmentLouisa Brockmann
EditorBernd Schriever
EditorPetra Scherer
EditorSimon Gutknecht
EditorLukas Meissner
Additional Editor Folge 6
Additional Editor Folge 6
Assistant editorJulia Schmitt
inkl. Vorschnitt
inkl. Vorschnitt
Assistant editorIsmet Gündüz
Assistant editorLena Challier
Key gripSimon Arevalo Saint-Jean
Key gripKai Finnigan
Folge 6
Folge 6
Key gripStefan Sollich
1 DT 2nd unit
1 DT 2nd unit
GripSimon Kmeth
GripBeniamino Casagrande
B Unit Grip
B Unit Grip
GripGiovanni Massari
Zusatz 12.06 1DT
Zusatz 12.06 1DT
GripMarcel Beckmann
1 DT als Kranzusatz
1 DT als Kranzusatz
Crane operatorRobert Hottarek
SuperTechno 30 1DT
SuperTechno 30 1DT
Crane operatorOliver Metz
Foxy Advanced
Foxy Advanced
Drone pilotLukas Maurer
Drone pilotMatthias Gihr
Drone Cinematography // aeroCircus
Drone Cinematography // aeroCircus
GafferKai Giegerich
bis DT 44
bis DT 44
GafferChristopher Rüttger
Folge 6
Folge 6
GafferMarkus Müller
14 DT
14 DT
Best boy electricMarkus Müller
Lighting technician / electricianPatrick Bierling
Lighting technician / electricianMathias Linke
Lighting technician / electricianRoman von Seherr-Thoss
Folge 6
Folge 6
Lighting technician / electricianAdrian von Brentano
Lighting technician / electricianLucas Schäfer
Folge 6
Folge 6
Additional electricianClemens von Tubeuf
Additional electricianPhilipp Hobucher
Additional electricianDominik Bretscher
Additional electricianJulian Fried
Lighting assistantJonathan Budden
Episode 6
Episode 6
Lighting assistantChristian Eberwein
Hair/makeup designerAnna Kunz
Hair/makeup designerKurosch Akhavan
Makeup artist / hair stylistKurosch Akhavan
Makeup artist / hair stylistAnna Kunz
Makeup artist / hair stylistSabine Finger
Folge 6
Folge 6
Makeup artist / hair stylistKarin Steinhäuser
Makeup artist / hair stylistCornelia Ritz
Makeup artist / hair stylistNatalie Clayton
Folge 6 , Nachdreh Folge 1-5
Folge 6 , Nachdreh Folge 1-5
Makeup artist / hair stylistFranziska Rupp
Additional makeup artistAlisza Pfeifer-Bubeck
Additional make up artistClara Bonnen
Additional make up artistLea Potthoff
Additional make up artistJennifer Brünn
Additional make up artistSilke Dotzauer
Additional make up artistAnna Kirchhammer
Additional make up artistKatharina Pöder
Additional make up artistUlli Tischler
Additional make up artistStefanie Bauer
Additional make up artistVerena Heller
Additional make up artistDaniel Riedl
Wig makerKurosch Akhavan
ComposerAndrej Melita
ComposerNils Wrasse
ComposerJosef Piras
Music supervisorMichael Beckmann
ProducerYoko Higuchi-Zitzmann
ProducerFelix von Poser
Delegate producerSven-Oliver Müller
Assistant-/ junior-producerStephanie Lanzinger
Service producerPhilipp Moravetz
Assistant to producerMaren Fleck
Production designerPatrick Steve Müller
Production designerFlorian Maximilian Kammer
Folge 6. + Nachdreh Folge 1. bis 5.
Folge 6. + Nachdreh Folge 1. bis 5.
Assistant production designerAlwina Sauer
Assistant production designerLenn Lucht
2nd production design assistant
2nd production design assistant
Assistant production designerSusanne Vogel
ab 29.06.21
ab 29.06.21
Assistant production designerValentina Freising
Set decoratorDoris Dreyer
Set decoratorJoachim Hattenhauer
Folge 6
Folge 6
Assistant set decoratorAnnett Lausberg
Assistant set decoratorRomy Döring
Assistant set decoratorRamon Popp
Assistant set decoratorEdda Staubach
Folge 6
Folge 6
Prop masterMichael Gamper
Südtirol Teil
Südtirol Teil
Prop masterClaudia Mahringer
Prop masterUwe Reinhart
Assistant to propmaster /- buyerChristian Haas [1]
Folgen 1-5
Folgen 1-5
Assistant to propmaster /- buyerGrace Schmitt
from 28.06.21 as 2nd outside prop assistant and from 26.07.21 as 2nd set prop assistant
from 28.06.21 as 2nd outside prop assistant and from 26.07.21 as 2nd set prop assistant
Assistant to propmaster /- buyerFranzi Gretsch
Folge 6
Folge 6
Standby propsRicardo Gstrein
Standby propsMaren Eich
Szenenbild: Patrick Steve Müller
Szenenbild: Patrick Steve Müller
Standby propsRüdiger Baldt
Folge 6 Anca Miruna Lazarescu
Folge 6 Anca Miruna Lazarescu
Set dresserTobias Geißendörfer
Set dresserDenise Kalipciyan
Set dresserMareen Golz
Art department coordinatorMiriam Hess
Folgen 1 - 5
Folgen 1 - 5
Property assistantLena Klünsch
Location scoutDaniel Defranceschi
Location scoutBenjamin Berelsmann
Graphic artistUrsula Zeitz
Graphic Design Print
Graphic Design Print
Property driverJürgen Beier
Set Decoration Fahrer
Set Decoration Fahrer
Property driverFlorian Huber [2]
Art department traineeLenn Lucht
Line producerMarcus Kreuz
Folge 6 und Abwicklung
Folge 6 und Abwicklung
Line producerAnja-Karina Richter
Line production coordinatorAskild Stielow
Bearbeitung Ausfallfonds I-Schäden von Kostenzusammenstellung, Einreichung und Abwicklung mit Sachverständigen und FFA
Bearbeitung Ausfallfonds I-Schäden von Kostenzusammenstellung, Einreichung und Abwicklung mit Sachverständigen und FFA
Assistant to line producerSebastian Börngen
Assistant to line producerJana Heller
Episode 6 / Vorbereitung, Dreh, Abwicklung
Episode 6 / Vorbereitung, Dreh, Abwicklung
Production managerAndreas Born
Production managerAnja-Karina Richter
2. Block München
2. Block München
Production coordinatorJulia Mierzwa
from July 2021
from July 2021
Production coordinatorJana Heller
Folge 1-6 / Dreh, Abwicklung
Folge 1-6 / Dreh, Abwicklung
Production coordinatorSara Herbst
Production Coordinator
Production Coordinator
Production coordinatorKarima Eddabyani
Übernahme am
Übernahme am
Production coordinatorOd Howell
Production coordinatorMelanie Maria Mosler
Folge 6 (ab 18.10.21)
Folge 6 (ab 18.10.21)
Unit manager (local system)Roman Blum
Addition from 6th DT (episodes 1-5)
Addition from 6th DT (episodes 1-5)
Unit manager (local system)Max Hillebrand
Unit manager (local system)Jutta Schornstein
ab DT5
ab DT5
Unit manager (local system)Holger Kunze
Dreh Südtirol und München 4 Wochen
Dreh Südtirol und München 4 Wochen
Unit manager (local system)Jana Bolze
Episode 6
Episode 6
Covid coordinatorJana Heller
Location manager (local system)Tobias Schröder
Location manager (local system)Sibylle Follmer
09.06. - 08.07.
09.06. - 08.07.
Location manager (local system)Mohammed Ezzat
Folge 1-5
Folge 1-5
Location manager (local system)David Sellmair
Location manager (local system)Szabolcs Fejer-Konnerth
Folge 6
Folge 6
Set manager/ floor managerCosmo Berger
3 drehwochen
3 drehwochen
Set manager/ floor managerLouis Lorenzen
Set manager/ floor managerNick Krause
Neverland Set-Solutions bis 25.05.21
Neverland Set-Solutions bis 25.05.21
Set manager/ floor managerMichael Ament
23.06.2021-13.08.2021 und ab 27.10.2021
23.06.2021-13.08.2021 und ab 27.10.2021
Assistant location managerTobias Skoditsch
Folge 6
Folge 6
Assistant set/floor managerJohannes Hohnholz
Assistant set/floor managerEllen Borgmann
Assistant set/floor managerAndreas Stanik
Episode 6
Episode 6
Production driverAlessandro Miraglia
Production driverToryalai Ibrahimi Naderi
Production driverBoris Ranetsberger
Production driverMoritz Stuffer
Produktionsfahrer in Südtirol und in München
Produktionsfahrer in Südtirol und in München
Production driverThorsten Schulz-Neubert
Folgen 1-6
Folgen 1-6
Production driverMarkus Schäfers
Set runnerNik Butt
Set runnerMiro Zidan
PA traineeJulia Roming
from August
from August
PA traineeJohannes Roß
PA traineeMichael Holder
from August
from August
PA traineeNikola Willems
Head writerAnnette Simon
Head writerRegina Dietl
ScreenwriterNadine Keil
ScreenwriterEnno Reese
ScreenwriterJohn-H. Karsten
IdeaYoko Higuchi-Zitzmann
Production sound mixerOliver Jergis
sound + aerials
sound + aerials
Production sound mixerJulian Peuker
Boom operatorSteffen Müller
Boom operatorWolfgang Kick
Boom operatorTill Ortner-Zintel
Boom operatorPatrick Bierling
Boom operatorDaniel Hallhuber
Boom operatorHagen von Sayn-Wittgenstein
12 Drehtage
12 Drehtage
Boom operatorBastian Wilhelmy
1 Woche
1 Woche
Special effects technicianJakob Watschinger
Shooting in South Tyrol
Shooting in South Tyrol
Special effects technicianLuggi Leitner
Stunt coordinatorTim Vetter
Stunt coordinatorKatja Jerabek
Stunt coordinatorMarc Sieger
Assistant stunt coordinatorRoland Leyer
Stuntman/womanTim Vetter
Stuntdouble Nikolaus van der Bruck
Stuntdouble Nikolaus van der Bruck
Stuntman/womanEnzo Leonardo Mandara
Stuntman/womanDenise Treffler
Stuntman/womanMarc Sieger
Stunt driverRoland Leyer
Commissioning editor in chargeHauke Bartel
Commissioning editorJean-Young Kwak
ConsultantPatricia Riekel

Production companies

Amalia Film GmbH [de]

Distribution / Sales companies

Leonine Studios
World Sales
World Sales


Cameras and UtilitiesaeroCircus
Drone Cinematography
Drone Cinematography
Cameras and UtilitiesWeCamFly
GripMaier Bros. GmbH
Animals for FilmFilmtiertraining Eve Schwender
Wolfshunde u.a.
Wolfshunde u.a.
CastingEagle Service Soc. Coop.
CastingStefany Pohlmann Casting
Extras/Bit PlayerAgentur PRODUCER'S FRIEND
Extras/Bit PlayerDu Bist Film GmbH
Stuntsface off GmbH
Lighting and UtilitiesKameraverleih Licht & Ton KLT GmbH
Lighting and UtilitiesLichtkollektiv München
OB: Kai Giegerich
OB: Kai Giegerich
Lighting and UtilitiesMaier Bros. GmbH
Lighting and UtilitiesMaier Bros. GmbH
Finance/Law/Insuranceadag Payroll Services GmbH
Finance/Law/InsuranceDFG - Deutsche FilmversicherungsGemeinschaft
Film Insurance
Film Insurance
Production ServicesCP/Sicherheit
Production Servicesfilmobil
mobile Toilette autark, Crew-Trailer, VIP-Lounge-Trailer, etc.
mobile Toilette autark, Crew-Trailer, VIP-Lounge-Trailer, etc.
Production ServicesGiafatto Entertainment [it]
Production ServicesMirus Filmservice
Anhänger, Abwassercontainer plus Zubehör, Garderobenmobile
Anhänger, Abwassercontainer plus Zubehör, Garderobenmobile
Production ServicesÖ wie Knödel / Goldene Rose GmbH
Production ServicesThe Cooking Brothers Gödecke OHG
Production SupportFilm Commission Bayern
CostumesAtelier Katrin Bobek
CostumesFTA Film- und Theater-Ausstattung GmbH
DecorationDäumler Filmbau GmbH
DecorationPigture GmbH
Locations and StudiosBavarian Scout Team
Makeup and HairDHS Filmservice GmbH
PropsAlmesberger Petra Grafik/Graphic
PropsFTA Film- und Theater-Ausstattung GmbH
Alle Bereiche Muc
Alle Bereiche Muc
PropsHerz Medical GmbH
Med. Ausstattung & Fachberatung, Rettungswagen, SetMedic
Med. Ausstattung & Fachberatung, Rettungswagen, SetMedic
Weapons master, advice, instruction, weapons, accessories, equipment
Weapons master, advice, instruction, weapons, accessories, equipment
Special EffectsPitt Effects
Vehicles and aircraftsFilmcops e.K.
Polizeifahrzeuge, Polizeiuniformen, Polizeirequisiten & originale Polizeibeamte
Polizeifahrzeuge, Polizeiuniformen, Polizeirequisiten & originale Polizeibeamte
Vehicles and aircraftsMirus Filmservice
Video/Computer PlaybackPRODUCTION CONCEPT Service GmbH
car plates
car plates
Video/Computer PlaybackTeam-Endeffekt
Programmierung/Design Phone Apps
Programmierung/Design Phone Apps
Image/EditingCr/edit Postproduktion
Sound (Postproduction)Sound Shop - Studio für Tonbearbeitung - Michael Stecher
Komplette Ton-Postproduktion
Komplette Ton-Postproduktion
Sound (Postproduction)Tonik Studio GmbH
ADR Recording
ADR Recording


Award winnerYearAwardCategory 
Heike Makatsch2023Jupiter Awards [de]
Best actress (TV & Streaming) national
Best actress (TV & Streaming) nationalNominated
Lisa Maria Potthoff2022Blauer Panther - TV & Streaming-Award [de]
Best actress
Best actressNominated


TypeCountryStationDate / TimeComment
First showingGermanyRTL+ [de]Tuesday, 03/05/2022