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Heimatfilm GmbH & Co. KG [de]: Production Company
  • Production Company


Bettina Brokemper
Regentenstr. 4651063  KölnGermany
Phone+49 221 9777990
Fax+49 221 97779919

    About Heimatfilm GmbH & Co. KG [de]

    In May 2003, Cologne producer Bettina Brokemper and Munich-based commercial production company Embassy of Dreams join forces to form Heimatfilm, a production company for film and TV in Cologne, Germany.

    Managing shareholder Bettina Brokemper had previously established the Cologne branch of Hamburg’s Neue Impuls Film; she has also been heading Zentropa’s German offspring Pain Unlimited, now Zentropa International Köln GmbH. Shareholders Stefan Telegdy and Helmut Hartl have made their Embassy of Dreams one of Germany’s most successful commercial film productions. In addition to these resources, Heimatfilm relies on an international network of talents and partners, and a strong film infrastructure in the Cologne region.

    Heimatfilm develops and produces its own film and television projects for German, European and international audiences. Beyond this, Heimatfilm engages in international co-productions, especially European cinema, and organizes service productions in Germany for international companies.

    The German word “Heimat” means “home” in an emotional, almost mythical way – Heimatfilm is a „home to films

    Known for

    Movies as production

    2025Die Stille liebt es und die Nacht (WT)Feature FilmNana Neul
    2025Miss Pirie und Miss Woods (WT)Feature FilmSophie Heldman
    2024Die Blutgräfin (WT)
    Feature FilmUlrike OttingerCo-production
    2024Ich bin eigentlich ganz anders, ich komme nur so selten dazu (WT)Feature FilmMiriam Bliese
    2023Death Will ComeFeature FilmChristoph Hochhäusler
    2022Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry
    associate producer
    Feature FilmElene Naverianiassociate producer
    2022Till the End of the NightFeature FilmChristoph Hochhäusler
    2022Ingeborg Bachmann - Journey into the DesertFeature FilmMargarethe von Trotta
    2022The Sitting Duck
    Feature FilmJean-Paul Salomécoproduction
    2021Daughter of RageFeature FilmLaura Baumeister [1]
    2021The Devil's BathFeature FilmMultiple
    2020DaughtersFeature FilmNana Neul
    2018A Winter's TaleFeature FilmJan Bonny
    2017Our ChildTV Movie, WDR [de]Nana Neul
    2017Forget about NickFeature FilmMargarethe von Trotta
    2016The Happy Prince
    Feature FilmRupert EverettServiceproduktion
    2016ShelterFeature FilmEran Riklis
    2015Jetzt.Nicht.Feature FilmJulia Keller
    2015Nur ein TagFeature FilmMartin Baltscheit
    2015PokotFeature FilmAgnieszka Holland

    Film awards

    2024The Devil's BathFilm Festival Cologne [de]FIlmpreis NRWWinner
    2020A Winter's TalePreis der deutschen Filmkritik 2019 [de]Bester SpielfilmWinner
    2019Our ChildDeutscher FernsehpreisBester FernsehfilmNominated
    2018Nur ein TagPreis der dt. Filmkritik 2017Bester KinderfilmWinner
    2018A Winter's TaleFilm Festival Cologne [de]Filmpreis NRW - Bester SpielfilmWinner
    2017WildDeutscher FilmpreisBester Spielfilm BronzeWinner
    2013Hannah ArendtDeutscher FilmpreisBester Spielfilm in SilberWinner
    2012Dreileben - Eine Minute DunkelGrimme Preis [de]Fiktion SpezialWinner
    2010Bal / HoneyBerlin Int. Film Festival [de]Goldener Bär - Bester FilmWinner
    2007Sweet MudBerlin Int. Film Festival [de]Gläserner Bär - Bester FilmWinner
    2007Sweet MudSundance Film Festival [us]World Cinema Jury Prize DramaticWinner

    Company data

    PHILOSOPHYSome call their film project „Baby”, others speak of it like it’s a military campaign. Many talk about material or packages, as if they were a shipping company.
    We regard our film projects as friends who live with us. Life’s not been easy on our flatmates (troubled childhood, political persecution, lovesickness…). Sometimes they might have to put their feet on the table, eat the cookies in bed or shed tears into the wine glass. Sometimes they’re overdue with the rent or with the dishes. But they make us laugh and cry, entertain our guests and bring in flowers they’ve picked. They’ll clear out the crumbs. And we’ll be a little bit sad when they move out to conquer the theatres.
    Date of company foundation2003
    Immediate working areaHead office: Cologne