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    Films listed with Crew United

    2025Forbidden Fruits (WT)Docu-Fiction
    2024Der Palmer Komplex (WT)Documentary, SWR [de]
    2024Ich friere in der Sonne (WT)Documentary
    2024KI - Maschinenträume im FilmDocumentary, arte
    2023LuisaFeature Film
    2022Meine Großmutter, der SS-Mann und ichDocumentary, WDR [de]
    2022Be Water - Voices from Hong KongDocumentary
    2022Ein Traum von RevolutionDocumentary Feature
    2021Johnny & Me - A Journey through Time with John HeartfieldDocumentary Feature
    2021FeuerspielShort Film
    2020The Strait GuysDocumentary
    2020Aware - Glimpses of Consciousness
    Documentary FeatureCoproduction
    2019Wie Holocaust ins Fernsehen kamDocumentary, NDR [de], SWR [de], WDR [de]
    2019Hao Are YouDocumentary Feature
    2018RivalFeature Film
    2018Tacheles - The Heart of the matterDocumentary Feature
    2017Bundestag - Demokratie als ArbeitDocumentary
    2016Woman at The TopDocumentary, arte
    2016Auf dünnem Eis - Die AsylentscheiderDocumentary
    2016Schau in meine Welt - Haya. Ein Mädchen in Saudi ArabienDocumentary (Series), KiKA Kinderkanal [de]