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    Films listed with Crew United

    2023BMW - BMW Group Annual Conference 2024 & BMW Vision Neue Klasse X World Premiere (Introfilm)Openerproduction manager
    2022BMW Group - Introducing the BMW iFactoryCorporate Filmproducer
    2016Peugeot - Perfekte Service WeltCommercialproducer
    2016Goodyear - Fanstories. Rolf GerharzCommercialproduction manager
    2016Goodyear - Fanstories. Bernd HofmannCommercialdirector
    2015Sport 2000 - Von Sportler zu SportlerCommercialproducer
    2014BMW - Stories. Racing toy producer tests the real BMW M4Corporate Filmproducer
    2014BMW - Stories. KurkovaCommercialproducer
    2014BMW - Stories. Ferenc AnisitsCommercialproducer
    2014BMW - Stories. Alex ZanardiCommercialproducer
    2013BMW - Clean PruductionIndustrial Videoproducer
    2013BMW - Securing our sustainable futureIndustrial Videoproducer
    2012Red Bull Ryan Doyle Travel Story (Web-Serie)Documentary Seriesproducer
    2012BMW i8 - Spyder MiamiCorporate Filmproducer
    2009Rodenstock - Heritage FilmCommercialproducer
    2009Nürburgring GmbH - Der neue Nürburgring (WT)Commercialproduction manager
    2009MEDION mobile® - Aldi TalkCommercialproduction manager
    2006Cocoon (WT)Short Filmdirector