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HERO CARS BERLIN: Car Preparation, Car Detailing, Oldtimers, Vehicle Moving Service, Vehicles (general)
  • Car Preparation, Car Detailing
  • Oldtimers
  • Vehicle Moving Service
  • Vehicles (general)


Roman Pusch
Kastanienallee 9110435  BerlinGermany
Phone+49 179 6756095


Our MOTION PICTURES DEPARTMENT is providing film productions with specially selected vehicles.From cars you hardly ever see on the road- rare oldtimers, tuning cars, sports and racing cars, military vehicles to ships and boats. Vehicles of all genres, ages and kinds.
We have access to a large network of collectors, automobile clubs, car makers and many other owners of rare and exceptional cars and vehicles.
Our on set full service is freeing you from logistical worries such as delivery and pick up of your required vehicles and storage on days when they are not needed. We will also gladly take care of maintenance and care at the film set itself.
What kind of vehicle will fit the movie?
Why not consult us with your script?

Film projects

2024Untitled Netflix Project (WT)
TV Movie, NetflixMarkus GollerFlute Film GmbHGermany
Limited series, Sky [de], Wow [de]Hannu SalonenThe Amazing Film Company GmbHTransports
2023September 5Feature FilmTim FehlbaumBerghausWöbke Filmproduktion GmbH
2023Murder MindfullyLimited series, NetflixMultipleConstantin Television GmbH [de]
2022I Am Scrooge
Prep Berlin
Limited series, RTL+ [de]Hannu SalonenZeitsprung Pictures GmbHPrep Berlin
2022CrooksTV Series, NetflixMultipleW&B Television GmbH
2021Das Haus der Träume
Picture Vehicles
TV Series, RTL+ [de], TVNOW [de]Sherry HormannX Filme Creative Pool GmbHPicture Vehicles
2021Almost Fly
Picture Vehicles
TV Series, Sky [de], TNT Serie [de], Warner TV Serie [de]Florian GaagW&B Television GmbHPicture Vehicles
Picture Vehicles
TV Series, Sky [de]MultipleGeißendörfer Pictures GmbH [de]Picture Vehicles
2020Schneller als die Angst
Picture Vehicles
TV Series, Degeto [de], MDR [de]Florian BaxmeyerRowboat Film- und FernsehproduktionPicture Vehicles
2019The Queen's Gambit
picture vehicle
Limited series, NetflixScott FrankX Filme Creative Pool GmbHpicture vehicle
2019Deutschland 89
Picture Vehicles
TV Series, Prime Video (Amazon)MultipleUFA FictionPicture Vehicles
2018The Girl in the Spider's Web
Transports Picture Vehicles
Feature FilmFede AlvarezThe Cantillon Company [us]Transports Picture Vehicles
Picture Vehicles
Feature FilmKaroline HerfurthHellinger / Doll FilmproduktionPicture Vehicles
20178 Tage
Picture Vehicles
TV Series, Sky [de]MultipleNEUESUPER GmbHPicture Vehicles
2017Deutschland 86
SAAB 900
TV Series, Prime Video (Amazon)MultipleUFA FictionSAAB 900
2016A Hidden Life
Picture Vehicles
Feature FilmTerrence MalickElizabeth Bay Productions [us]Picture Vehicles
2015A Cure For Wellness
Picture Vehicles
Feature FilmGore VerbinskiBlind Wink Productions [us]Picture Vehicles
2014Der Fall Barschel
Picture Vehicles
TV Movie (multi-part), ARD [de], Degeto [de]Kilian RiedhofZeitsprung Pictures GmbHPicture Vehicles
2014Drunter & Brüder
TV Movie, ARD [de], Degeto [de]Ulli BaumannOLGA FILM GmbHLand-Rover

Company data

Date of company foundation2000
Immediate working areaHead office: Berlin