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Gute Freunde - Der Aufstieg des FC Bayern

  • Gute Freunde - Die wahre Geschichte des FC Bayern München (Working title)
Limited series | Episodes 1-6 | 2022-2023 | RTL [de], RTL+ [de] | Biopic, Period | Germany




ActorRole nameVoice actor / SpeakerVoice actor
Maximilian BrücknerRobert Schwan [SS]
Michael A. GrimmWilhelm Neudecker [SS]
Martin BrambachHelmut Schön [SS]
Sascha Alexander GeršakCajkovski (Tschick) [SS]
Trixi Strobel
Uschi Müller [SS]
Amelie Hennig
Hildegard Breitner [SS]
Martina GierlichSusi Hoeneß [SS]
Stella Goritzki
Agnes Maier [SS]
Moritz Lehmann
Franz Beckenbauer [SS]
Rafael Stachowiak
Udo Lattek [SS]
Paul WellenhofSepp Maier [SS]
Jan-David Bürger
Paul Breitner [SS]
Markus KrojerGerd Müller [SS]
Jürgen HaugAdalbert Wetzel [SSR]
Leonie Brill
Brigitte Beckenbauer [SSR]
Joey Daser
Franz 'Bulle' Roth [SSR]
Yannic BeckerHerbert Zimmermann [SSR]
Laurenz LerchWerner Olk [SSR]
Barbara Bauer
Sekretärin Hitz [SSR]
Julius Kastner
Dieter Koulmann [SSR]
Wolfgang UllrichKatsche Schwarzenbeck [SSR]
Holger Daemgen
Erwin Hoeneß [SR]
Sascha GoepelHans Bertram [SR]
Andreas Joachim Herteln.n. [SR]
Leo ReisingerFranz Beckenbauer Sen. [SR]
Franz-Xaver ZellerRadireporter [SR]
Jacob SpeidelHeinz Müller (jung) [SR]
Valentin Thatenhorstjg. Franz Beckenbauer [SR]
David Hugo SchmitzWolfgang Overath [SR]
David Hürten
Günter Netzer [SR]
Jascha BaumNorbert Nigbur [SR]
Jürgen Fischer
Huber, Dorfpolizist [SR]
Matteo HilterscheidGerd Müller - jung [SR]
Jakob ForsterHans Nowak [SR]
Frederic LinkemannHans Schiefele [SR]
Anthony PaulRainer Ohlhauser [SR]
Thilo ProthmannJupp Derwall [SR]
Marc FischerJosef Mai [SR]
Christian AmmermüllerPortier [SR]
Lucas LentesDieter Hoeneß [SR]
Jakob GrafBreitner senior [SR]
Jakob TögelHerbert Erhardt [SRE]
Martin WalchMoser [SRE]
Eva WittenzellnerMaria Maier [SRE]
Gerhard WittmannLudwig Huber CSU [SRE]
Wolf Danny HomannButz [SRE]
Leopold HornungRegisseur [SRE]
Daniela Wutten.a. [SRE]
Bernhard KlampflMax Merkel [BP]
Dirk Schepanekn.n. [BP]
Thomas HauserPhotographer [BP]
Jörg Vincent Malotki
Captain [BP]
Franca SchullerBaker [BP]
Jakob GühringRudolf Schmidt [BP]
Joshua HupfauerKollege Hans [BP]
Lea Karolina BrunnerInka Roth, party guest [BP]
Johanna BittenbinderKundin Münzinger [BP]
Luca OeltjenbrunsRainer Zobel [BP]
Sascha WolfBerti Vogts [BP]
Bernd ReheuserHans Deckert [BP]
Thomas HeuserFunktionär Dr.Weiß [BP]
Aleksandar Teslan.n.Angela Jacobi


Production accountantKerstin Barow
Production accountantDenise Papen
Post production supervisorSandra Thimm
ColoristAlexander Suer
Dailies coloristYannick de Decker
Director of photographyHolly Fink
Camera operatorRamón Seeliger
B Cam two weeks
B Cam two weeks
Camera operatorFlorian J. Raasch
Additional photographyRaphael Beinder
60 Days B-Cam, 2 Days A-Cam
60 Days B-Cam, 2 Days A-Cam
1st assistant cameraCaspar Müllers
B-Cam / A-Cam 5 days (68 days)
B-Cam / A-Cam 5 days (68 days)
1st assistant cameraLeo Sikstel
C-Cam Zusatz 1DT
C-Cam Zusatz 1DT
1st assistant cameraRamón Seeliger
A Cam
A Cam
1st assistant cameraThomas Zittlau
6 DT B-Cam
6 DT B-Cam
2nd assistant cameraThomas Zittlau
2nd assistant cameraMilian-Yannik Symanek
A-Cam 8DT
A-Cam 8DT
2nd assistant cameraDaniel Mevissen
2nd assistant cameraHanna Kortus
C-Cam Zusatz 1DT
C-Cam Zusatz 1DT
2nd assistant cameraBéla König
3 days B Cam
3 days B Cam
2nd assistant cameraJonas Louis Meyer
2nd assistant cameraSarah Ahmad
C-Cam 2SD / A-Cam 2SD
C-Cam 2SD / A-Cam 2SD
DIT digital imaging technicianAlexander Suer
OnSet-Lab Alexa
OnSet-Lab Alexa
DIT digital imaging technicianYannick de Decker
Video assist/playback operatorBéla König
Still photographerJürgen Olczyk
Still photographerFrank Dicks
Casting directorNina Haun
Casting directorPatrick Dreikauss
für Nachwuchsdarsteller*innen + Kinder
für Nachwuchsdarsteller*innen + Kinder
Casting assistantLaura Buschhagen
as of January 2022
as of January 2022
Extras/bit player castingAngel Pinar
Fußballer NRW+Bayern
Fußballer NRW+Bayern
Extras/bit player castingJohanna Ragwitz
Costume designerMirjam Muschel
Costume designerElena Wegner
Vorbereitung/ Kalkulation/ Recherche
Vorbereitung/ Kalkulation/ Recherche
Costume designer (creator)Mirjam Muschel
Costume supervisorOlivia Alison Vossenkuhl
Assistant costume designerManal Gleich
KB Mirjam Muschel
KB Mirjam Muschel
Assistant costume designerIsabelle von Canal
Assistant costume designerKatharina Abele
Assistant costume designerMartin Heusel
Assistant costume designerSimone Kreska
Costumer / wardrobeNadine Engelfried
Costumer / wardrobeNatalie Winkel
Costumer / wardrobeMarie Braband
Costumer / wardrobeAnna-Lisa Zlotosch
NRW Tailoring, Fittings
NRW Tailoring, Fittings
Costumer / wardrobeLena Wellhöfer
Key set costumer and Wardrobe supervisor
Key set costumer and Wardrobe supervisor
Costumer / wardrobeBeatrice Alder
Costumer / wardrobeAlicia Drodofsky
Costumer / wardrobeJulia Kronwitter
Draper / patternmakerClaudia Frank Machado
Additional costumersAnnette Braun
Additional costumersMeiken Reissig
Additional costumersMelanie Flath-Meier
Additional costumersMaría Pozos
Komparserie / Historisch 60er,70er / 4DT / NRW
Komparserie / Historisch 60er,70er / 4DT / NRW
TailorAnna-Lisa Zlotosch
Costume design traineeFranziska Zeller
01.04.22 - 25.06.22
01.04.22 - 25.06.22
DirectorDavid Dietl
2nd unit directorDeniz Meray
1st AD (local system)Daniel Illigens
1st AD (local system)Lukas Hablitzel
4 shooting days
4 shooting days
1st AD (local system)Deniz Meray
1st AD
1st AD
2nd AD (local system)Sophia Kretschko
2.2. Regieassistenz ab 18.
2.2. Regieassistenz ab 18.
2nd AD (local system)Dorothea Popovic
5 Monate Vorbereitung + Dreh NRW
5 Monate Vorbereitung + Dreh NRW
2nd AD (local system)Lukas Hablitzel
42 shooting days (Bavaria + Berlin)
42 shooting days (Bavaria + Berlin)
3rd AD crowd (local system)Fränzi Heinrich
// NRW // historisch, 1960er - 1970er
// NRW // historisch, 1960er - 1970er
3rd AD crowd (local system)Marlene Fritsch
ab 18. Juli
ab 18. Juli
Script supervisorElisa Hebecker
Script supervisorNicole Birkholz
6x45 Min
6x45 Min
Storyboard artistMax Julian Otto
Folgen 3–6
Folgen 3–6
Storyboard artistAxel Steinhanses
Extras coordinatorSandra Bilger
5 DT
5 DT
Extras coordinatorHansen Torsten
Zusatz NRW
Zusatz NRW
Extras coordinatorSabine Voltmann
1 DT
1 DT
Extras coordinatorJennifer Deichl
1 Drehtag
1 Drehtag
Assistant editorDaniela Schramm Moura
Key gripArne Schriever
GripOskar Mindner
3 DT
3 DT
GripYannik Cornelssen
GafferFred Dombrowka
Best boy electricPeter Dombrowka
Lighting technician / electricianSamuel Goehr
Lighting technician / electricianDennis Fischer
2te Hälfte
2te Hälfte
Lighting technician / electricianSebastian Friedrich [1]
Lighting technician / electricianCarsten Christmann
Nachdreh 2023
Nachdreh 2023
Lighting technician / electricianPatrick Zimmermann [2]
Additional electricianJon Kamp
Additional electricianArij ('Ary') van Giesen
Additional electricianCan Köprülü
Additional electricianTobias Bosseck
1 Day
1 Day
Additional electricianPaul Pallapies
Lighting assistantChristian Eberwein
Lighting assistantJan Hemayatkar-Fink
Hair/makeup designerGeorg Korpás
Hair/makeup supervisorAnne-Marie Walther
Makeup artist / hair stylistChristina Neuss
Makeup artist / hair stylistMiriam Hübner
Additional make up artistMilena Niehues
Additional make up artistDaniel Riedl
Additional make up artistCornelia Schnell
Additional make up artistUlli Tischler
Additional make up artistJulia Lohmüller
Additional make up artistKatharina von Wechmar
Additional make up artistAnna 'Anja' Vinogradova
Additional make up artistAlina Kappeler
Shooting Munich - extras historical
Shooting Munich - extras historical
Additional make up artistBarbara Spenner
Additional make up artistBettina Heyl
Additional make up artistDiana Badalova
historical 60's/70's
historical 60's/70's
Additional make up artistFranziska Röder
Additional make up artistAnke Scheiter
hist.70er Jahre Fitting/Set
hist.70er Jahre Fitting/Set
Additional make up artistSteffen Roßmanith
Additional make up artistHanka Thot
Additional make up artistAnne Hartung
NRW 60‘er/ 70‘er historisch + Set + Fitting
NRW 60‘er/ 70‘er historisch + Set + Fitting
Crowd hair and make up supervisorAnna Freund
Historical 60s 70s
Historical 60s 70s
Wig makerTanja Holznagel
Wig makerAnne-Marie Walther
Wig makerDaniel Riedl
ProducerNico Hofmann
ProducerSebastian Werninger
Delegate producerTobias Timme
Assistant-/ junior-producerSophie Mellmann
Assistant to producerAnja Schakowetz
Production designerRalf Schreck
Art directorOliver Koch [1]
Für den NRW Dreh
Für den NRW Dreh
Art directorKinga Eperjesi
Assistant art directorGuido Geilenkirchen
Set decoratorTatjana Büchner
NRW, Bayern, Berlin
NRW, Bayern, Berlin
Set decoratorAndrea Glufke
Assistant set decoratorDaniela Eissler
München ab August
München ab August
Assistant set decoratorChristoph Gerzabek
Logistik für Setdec (Köln bis Juli)
Logistik für Setdec (Köln bis Juli)
Set decoration buyerJulia Kötz
Prop buyerAndre Schütze
2. Hälfte
2. Hälfte
Prop buyerBea Kosubek
Prop masterBernadette Weinzierl
Prop masterHermann Größ
Szenen- und Kostümbild für Deutschen Fernsehpreis 2924 nominiert
Szenen- und Kostümbild für Deutschen Fernsehpreis 2924 nominiert
Standby propsJoachim Keppler
Standby propsKersten Grossmann
Set dresserSimon Empt
Set dresserLaura Zimmek
Set dresserSabine Däumler
Set dresserStephanie Ernst
Set dresserDominique Kleen
Set dresserRobert Wimmer
Set dresserStefan Musikant
Art department coordinatorAnna Dehardt
Property assistantMarkus Plottka
Assistant stand by propsStella Guzmán
Zusatz und Vertretung
Zusatz und Vertretung
Assistant stand by propsJana Arni
Assistant stand by propsSina Schweimanns
Greens personStephan van Geldern
Location scoutGernot Zeglien
Berlin Brandenburg
Berlin Brandenburg
Location scoutMarc Geimer
Location scoutRüdiger Jordan
Zusatzmotive NRW
Zusatzmotive NRW
Location scoutClaudia Stock
Motive NRW
Motive NRW
Location scoutMaik Fickelscheer
Scenic painterPierre Galic
Headpainter NRW
Headpainter NRW
Scenic painterThomas Dellapenna
2023 Munich...
2023 Munich...
Scenic painterLisa Schmitt
Sign painterSebastian Karbowiak
Graphic designerAnika Jakobi
Graphic artistPeter Knoblich
Property driverDominik Thiele
Set decoration driverManfred Harth
nur Bayern-Dreh
nur Bayern-Dreh
Line producerHenry Rehorek
UFA Inhouse Line Producer
UFA Inhouse Line Producer
Line production coordinatorAnne Frohne
Production managerMarcel Greive
Production supervisorDaniela Gipperich
Production coordinatorAnna-Lena Erlinghäuser
Production coordinatorBeatrice Degenhart
Unit manager (local system)Nadine Freitag
6x 45min
6x 45min
Covid coordinatorBeatrice Degenhart
Location manager (local system)Kristina Krüger
Location manager (local system)Laetitia Tettenborn
Location manager (local system)Oliver Pusch
Location manager (local system)Dennis Becker
Production coordinator assistantTobias Sybel
Unit move coordinatorMax Waldmann
Set manager/ floor managerStefan Knäpper
28.08 bis 15.09 Set-Al wegen diversen Unterbrechungen
28.08 bis 15.09 Set-Al wegen diversen Unterbrechungen
Set manager/ floor managerAnika Drodtloff
Production assistantMerlin Lang
Base Manager
Base Manager
Production assistantDeliah Luger
Production assistantLara Brzesina
Production assistantMarius Beck
5 DT
5 DT
Assistant set/floor managerKai Sieber
Assistant set/floor managerPeter Strötz
Production driverDennis Becker
Production driverColin Buhn
Production driverFrederic Wagner
Production driverTobias Rathjen
NRW 20.06-19.07
NRW 20.06-19.07
Production driverChristoph Pirek
Ab 1.8.2022
Ab 1.8.2022
Production driverLars-Ole Richter
Production driverRalf Klemme
Set runnerMayla Marie Sommer
Set runnerSophie Nachtigall
Set runnerKatja Marie Penno
Drehtage 58-63
Drehtage 58-63
ScreenwriterBob Konrad
ScreenwriterHanno Hackfort
ScreenwriterRichard Kropf
Literary sourceThomas Hüetlin
ResearcherNiklas Trinkhaus
Production sound mixerAndreas Turnwald
Cologne shooting
Cologne shooting
Boom operatorLinne Beck
3 days replacement - Duisburg
3 days replacement - Duisburg
Boom operatorMalte Weitkamp
1 DT Vertretung
1 DT Vertretung
Boom operatorSebastian Leukert
Part NRW
Part NRW
Boom operatorAndreas Fritsch
Ab DT 24
Ab DT 24
Second boom operatorTristan Fuhrmann
Ab DT 27 & 2nd Unit Tonmeister
Ab DT 27 & 2nd Unit Tonmeister
Adr recordistBenedikt Mühle
Sound effects editorAchim Hofmann
ADR supervisorBenedikt Mühle
Special effects supervisorSven Kühn
Special effects technicianBianca Stich
Commissioning editorManuel Schlegel [1]
Video-producerKalin Winter
2 DT + Premiere Münchner Filmfest
2 DT + Premiere Münchner Filmfest
EPK / behind the scenes producerFlorian Reick
Sustainability managerAnne Frohne

Production companies

UFA Fiction


GripCGrip UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
EasyRider /Panther 1.Drehtag Stefan Hummel
EasyRider /Panther 1.Drehtag Stefan Hummel
Extras/Bit PlayerAgentur Eick & Weber
Look-a-likes, Fußballspieler,
Look-a-likes, Fußballspieler,
Extras/Bit PlayerAgentur Filmgesichter
Extras/Bit PlayerAgentur PRODUCER'S FRIEND
ab 04.08.2022
ab 04.08.2022
Extras/Bit PlayerBulli-Bar
Kleindarsteller m. historischen Kostümen
Kleindarsteller m. historischen Kostümen
Extras/Bit PlayerDu Bist Film GmbH
Lighting and UtilitiesZasa Lights GmbH | balloonlight systems
Lighting and UtilitiesZasa Lights GmbH | balloonlight systems
Finance/Law/Insuranceadag Payroll Services GmbH
Finance/Law/InsuranceDFG - Deutsche FilmversicherungsGemeinschaft
Film insurance
Film insurance
Production ConsultingPfisterer Safetyculture
Occupational safety specialist
Occupational safety specialist
Production Servicesbloc inc filmservice GmbH
+Trailer & Base Generator
+Trailer & Base Generator
Production ServicesBPS Dienstleistungen und Services GmbH
Fullservice Fahrdienste Fuhrparkumsetzungen Sicherheit Verkehrssicherheit HVz Reinigen
Fullservice Fahrdienste Fuhrparkumsetzungen Sicherheit Verkehrssicherheit HVz Reinigen
Production ServicesCineblock Verkehrssicherung GmbH
Shuttle Service, HVZ, Blocking Service, Wachdienste, Leihmaterial
Shuttle Service, HVZ, Blocking Service, Wachdienste, Leihmaterial
Production ServicesConcept Catering Crew GmbH
Production ServicesEGN Entsorgungsgesellschaft Niederrhein mbH
Production ServicesFilmobil
Doppel-Aufenthaltsmobil 3,5t, Aufenthaltsmobil 3,5 t, Aufenthaltstrailer
Doppel-Aufenthaltsmobil 3,5t, Aufenthaltsmobil 3,5 t, Aufenthaltstrailer
Production Servicesfilmobil
mobile Toiletten, Teamaufenthalte, 3er-Trailer, 2er-Trailer, Transporttrailer
mobile Toiletten, Teamaufenthalte, 3er-Trailer, 2er-Trailer, Transporttrailer
Production ServicesFilmservice Andermann
HVZ Duisburg
HVZ Duisburg
Production ServicesInternational Security GmbH
Production ServicesJOLA-Rent
Production ServicesKölnton Rental GmbH
Production ServicesPermit Unit
Filming Permits Berlin, August 2022
Filming Permits Berlin, August 2022
Production ServicesQuixx24 Miettoiletten · Dietmar Krüger & Dirk Schiller & Mike Schiller GbR
Production ServicesREMONDIS GmbH & Co. KG
Production ServicesSilent Running Catering
Production ServicesThe Cooking Brothers Gödecke OHG
Zusatzcatering Bayern
Zusatzcatering Bayern
Production ServicesWaschbär Hygiene-Service von Guretzky-Cornitz GmbH [de]
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationB.O.E.S.-Service
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationB.O.E.S.-Service
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationDie-Road-Runners GmbH
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationFa. Blüthmann
Kostüm LKW Umsetzen
Kostüm LKW Umsetzen
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationFrank H. Scheller
Courier services
Courier services
Transportation, Travel and AccomodationOlaf Pultke Busunternehmen
5 Tage Motivtour NRW, Tecc Recce
5 Tage Motivtour NRW, Tecc Recce
CostumesFTA Film- und Theater-Ausstattung GmbH
CostumesKostümfundus Babelsberg GmbH
KB Mirjam Muschel
KB Mirjam Muschel
CostumesPERIS Costumes
KB - Mirjam Muschel
KB - Mirjam Muschel
CostumesSturm Handels GmbH
KB Miriam Muschel
KB Miriam Muschel
CostumesTheaterkunst GmbH Kostümausstattung
KB - Mirjam Muschel
KB - Mirjam Muschel
CostumesWellenstein zeitgenössische Kostüme GmbH
Mirjam Muschel
Mirjam Muschel
DecorationDäumler Filmbau GmbH
Parts from munich part
Parts from munich part
Decorationfake - filmconstruction GmbH
DecorationPigture GmbH
Printing signs, posters, cards, stickers
Printing signs, posters, cards, stickers
DecorationSpreekulissen Nicolaus Wallner
DecorationStoffl Fundus GmbH
Textile rental & sewing
Textile rental & sewing
Makeup and HairJOLA-Rent
PropsFTA Film- und Theater-Ausstattung GmbH
WEBSHOP Artikel / Digitaldrucke
WEBSHOP Artikel / Digitaldrucke
PropsHerz Medical GmbH
Med. Requisiten
Med. Requisiten
PropsKaren Eckert
Graphic Artist
Graphic Artist
Waffenmeister, Beratung, Instruktion, Waffen, Zubehör, Ausrüstung
Waffenmeister, Beratung, Instruktion, Waffen, Zubehör, Ausrüstung
PropsSturm Handels GmbH
Special EffectsFeuerfest-SFX
Special EffectsFire and Rescue Service GmbH & Co. KG
mit Löschfahrzeug
mit Löschfahrzeug
Vehicles and aircrafts1. Deutsches Polizeioldtimer Museum Marburg
historical police vehicles with drivers and support
historical police vehicles with drivers and support
Vehicles and aircraftsFilmcops e.K.
historisches Polizeifahrzeug VW Käfer
historisches Polizeifahrzeug VW Käfer
Vehicles and aircraftsFritz Rössler
Vehicles and aircraftsNYCBerlin - Arved Maron
Picture Vehicle Coordinator
Picture Vehicle Coordinator
Vehicles and aircraftsSetlounge GmbH
Water logistics
Water logistics
Sound (Postproduction)Media Services GmbH - Pharos The Post Group
Video (Postproduction)Media Services GmbH - Pharos The Post Group


Award winnerYearAwardCategory 
Georg Korpás2024Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen (DAfFNE) [de]
Best Makeup & Hairstyling
Best Makeup & HairstylingNominated
Ralf Schreck2024Deutscher Fernsehpreis [de]
Beste Ausstattung Fiktion
Beste Ausstattung FiktionNominated
Mirjam Muschel2024Deutscher Fernsehpreis [de]
Beste Ausstattung Fiktion
Beste Ausstattung FiktionNominated
Markus Krojer2024Jupiter Awards [de]
Best actor (TV & Streaming) national
Best actor (TV & Streaming) nationalNominated
Miriam Hübner2024Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen (DAfFNE) [de]
Best Makeup & Hairstyling
Best Makeup & HairstylingNominated
UFA Fiction2024Jupiter Awards [de]
Best series national
Best series nationalNominated
Anne-Marie Walther2024Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen (DAfFNE) [de]
Best Makeup & Hairstyling
Best Makeup & HairstylingNominated
Anna Freund2024Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen (DAfFNE) [de]
Best Makeup & Hairstyling
Best Makeup & HairstylingNominated
Nico Hofmann2023Munich Int. Film Festival [de]
Bernd Burgemeister TV Production Award
Bernd Burgemeister TV Production AwardNominated
Sebastian Werninger2023Munich Int. Film Festival [de]
Bernd Burgemeister TV Production Award
Bernd Burgemeister TV Production AwardNominated


2023GermanyFilmfest München
New German Television
New German Television


TypeCountryStationDate / TimeComment
First showingGermanyRTL+ [de]Saturday, 18/11/2023ab 22.11. auf RTL

Cinema releases and premieres

PremiereMonday, 26/06/2023Filmfest München